Unidentified crime boss (Hradreek)

An Ungrila crime boss of the male persuasion operated in the era of the Galactic Empire. This individual was active during its reign. Sometime following the Battle of Yavin, the crime boss struck an agreement with the notorious smuggler, Sana Starros, to acquire a duo of ancient lightsabers previously used by the Sith Lord Darth Atrius. Upon discovering that Starros had only provided a single saber instead of the agreed-upon pair on the planet Hradreek, the criminal was overcome by the dark power emanating from the ancient weapon, leading him to lash out in fury and assault his own Devaronian guards. Not long after this incident, Luke Skywalker, a Jedi trainee, came across the boss' lifeless body alongside those of his guards, and he proceeded to recover the Sith artifact.

