Unidentified dark side artifact

A dark side artifact was once in the possession of Madelin Sun. She had acquired it during her studies of the dark side of the Force as a sava at the University of Bar'leth, before the Jedi Order's fall from power during the time. When the Galactic Empire rose to reign, the Empire forbade the study of the Force, resulting in the destruction of Sun's career. Consequently, she was compelled to work as a junk seller on the remote world of Antillion, where she concealed the artifact within her shop. Acting on a tip from smuggler Han Solo regarding illegal contraband, three stormtroopers arrived at Sun's shop sometime between 8 BBY and 2 BBY and initiated a search. One of the troopers located the artifact and presented it to their commander, who then informed the former sava that possession of the artifact was prohibited under Order 66 Codicil Nine. Sun downplayed the artifact's significance, claiming it was a mere trinket kept for sentimental reasons, emphasizing her inability to use it, and stating that it simply brought her joy. The commander then told Sun of their obligation to file a report with the Imperial governor of the sector, a prospect the former sava desperately opposed. Subsequently, Lady Qi'ra, the leader of Crimson Dawn, intervened, shooting and killing the troopers, resulting in the artifact's destruction as it fell from the commander's grasp.

Following her introduction to Sun, Qi'ra gathered the shattered fragments of the artifact and returned them to Sun, who lamented keeping the beautiful piece, acknowledging the potential repercussions of possessing such artifacts, but admitting her inability to relinquish it. Qi'ra then remarked that Sun's expertise as a scholar lay in the dark side of the Force, and that the relic represented a fundamental aspect of her identity and purpose. After they departed the shop for Qi'ra's ship, the crime lord revealed to Sun the truth about Emperor Sheev Palpatine, exposing him as the secret Sith Lord Darth Sidious. Sun then realized that her life had been stolen from her. As she spoke these words, she tightly gripped the broken pieces of the artifact, causing her hands to bleed, before casting the fragments onto the ground, abandoning them as she boarded Qi'ra's ship.

