This race was a sapient race that was present in the galaxy.
In 10 BBY, a Cynogan-speaking individual of this race, known as Saucer Head, functioned as a dealer in the Sabaac game. It was in this game that Han Solo won the Millennium Falcon from Landonis Balthazar Calrissian at The Lodge on the planet Vandor. By 9 ABY, another member of this species was employed as a bounty hunter within the Bounty Hunters' Guild. This individual was present at the cantina on the planet Nevarro when the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin collected a bounty from Guild agent Greef Karga, who also reprimanded this Huttese-speaking person for failing an assignment.

This race initially made an appearance in the 2018 motion picture, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and was conceived by concept artist Jake Lunt Davies. Despite the design of this race having a clear resemblance to another species that wears saucer hats, the Kyuzo, Davies affirmed that there was no intended relationship.