Unidentified scavenger 2

An individual made their living as a scavenger during the age of the High Republic Era. In the year 132 BBY, this scavenger was trekking through a forest located on the Outer Rim planet known as Khofar, accompanied by a fellow scavenger. Upon discovering a downed starship, the scavenger hoped it contained a salvageable hyperdrive. However, the pair quickly retreated upon encountering the Wookiee Jedi named Kelnacca, who was utilizing the wreckage as a shelter.


The scavengers encountered the Wookiee Kelnacca on Khofar.

During the High Republic Era, a human made their living as a scavenger. In 132 BBY, this particular scavenger, accompanied by another scavenger, journeyed through a forest on the Outer Rim planet of Khofar. As they proceeded, the scavenger's companion voiced his complaints, stating that they were lost and expressing disbelief that he had been convinced to come along. Subsequently, the scavenger spotted a crashed starship, which, unbeknownst to them, was serving as a shelter for the Wookiee Jedi Kelnacca, and suggested they might find a hyperdrive within to dismantle for valuable components. Approaching the wreckage, the scavengers noticed a sign that read "Keep Out" in the Shyriiwook language, but neither could decipher it. Suddenly, Kelnacca approached them and roared, prompting the scavenger's companion to draw his blaster. Kelnacca swiftly responded by using the Force pulling to snatch the blaster from his hands and destroy it, causing the scavengers to run away in fear.

Personality and traits

This scavenger was a human, characterized by brown eyes and a complexion of dark skin. Their nature was cowardly, as demonstrated by their flight from Kelnacca.

Skills and abilities

This scavenger possessed the ability to speak Huttese, but lacked the literacy to read Shyriiwook.


The scavenger's attire included a red vest, brown trousers, and a brown hat. They also carried a bag.

Behind the scenes

The scavenger's debut occurred in "Revenge / Justice," the second installment of the 2024 Disney+ live-action series titled The Acolyte. This episode was broadcast on June 4, 2024, and the character was brought to life by Jumayn Hunter. The scenes on Khofar featuring the scavenger were filmed at Shinfield Studios, located in England.

