A statue served as enduring proof of a sentient race that had a connection to it; this statue was found within the Arath system. This statue was found on the moon called Shara'Tam which is within the system; millennia passed before a Republic Pathfinder group, headed by the Jedi Sturm Umbrik, came across it. This discovery validated Umbrik's hypothesis that the Arath system was once home to a sentient species.
To let Janssen, a member of the comms team, know about the find, Umbrik recorded a communication; tragically, a pirate raid resulted in the death of the entire team. As a result, the location of the treasure on Shara'Tam remained a mystery for centuries. Eventually, Servit, a Mirialan descendant of a member of the original team, powered up the EX droid that Umbrik had used to leave the message regarding the statue. Servit's plan was to use the coordinates that Umbrik had provided to travel to Shara'Tam and claim the valuable statue for himself.
The short story "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," which is part of the Galactic Tales series, featured the statue. George Mann wrote the story, which was released on June 7, 2022 in the 211th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine.