A short story titled "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," spotlighting the character Dexter Jettster, appeared in Star Wars Insider. It was included as part of the Galactic Tales collection, which commemorated two decades since the release of the prequel trilogy movie Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The narrative centers on Jettster's acquaintance, the Mirialan named Servit, who is being pursued by a gang seeking possession of a precious droid he owns. Jettster aids Servit in repelling the pursuers and utilizing the droid to uncover the location of hidden riches. George Mann authored the story, which was featured in Star Wars Insider 211, released on June 7, 2022.
Sometime between 32 BBY and 19 BBY, the Mirialan individual known as Servit walks into Dex's Diner, located on the planet of Coruscant. He takes note of seven patrons dining, but is relieved to find that he doesn't recognize any of them. Servit makes his way to the counter and sees the proprietor, Dexter Jettster, occupied with preparing food. Wanda, the waitress droid, approaches him, asking if she can assist, but he specifically requests to speak with Jettster. Wanda informs him that the Besalisk is busy and that he will have to wait.

Shortly after, Jettster addresses Servit from across the counter, offering him some brakkenback stew. However, the Mirialan requests a private conversation in the back. Once they are alone, knowing that Jettster once worked as a prospector, he presents Jettster with an EX droid that has been passed down through his family for generations, seeking the Besalisk's insight. Jettster explains that it was an outdated communication method used during the Great Hyperspace Rush, but that they're rarely seen in modern times, and inquires about Servit's possession of one.
The Mirialan reveals that it is a family heirloom connected to an ancient Jedi by the name of Sturm. To Servit's astonishment, Jettster recognizes the name, identifying them further as "Sturm Umbrik." Jettster elaborates on Umbrik's expedition, a legendary tale he knows well: Umbrik's Pathfinder team discovered treasure on a moon called Shara'Tam but were killed by pirates. Nevertheless, Umbrik managed to dispatch an EX droid carrying information about the discovery, which was never found. Jettster continues, admitting that he always dismissed it as a mere myth and never anticipated the droid's reappearance, particularly in the hands of a friend.

Suddenly, a blaster shot echoes from the front of the restaurant. Servit apologizes to Jettster for involving him; the Mirialan had attempted to assess the droid's worth and had revealed it to Jarl, a Weequay, who deduced that it was the legendary droid and pursued Servit with his entire crew. Servit had hoped to evade them, but now realizes they have tracked him down. As the EX droid initiates its reboot sequence, Jettster and Servit rush to the front, where Jarl is holding the customers hostage at blaster point, accompanied by his crew: a human, a Togruta, and a protocol droid identified as T7. Servit reiterates his refusal to surrender the droid, but Jarl simply smirks, implying that Servit has no choice unless he wants to ruin the customers' lunches. Jettster intervenes in his friend's defense, assuring that his guests will enjoy their lunches regardless.
The Besalisk's presence intimidates Jarl. The Weequay suggests that he savor a bowl of brakkenback stew while Servit considers his options. Servit feels cornered, but Jettster complies, returning with the pan of stew as well as a frying pan. He serves a bowl to Jarl and then proceeds to knock him unconscious with the frying pan. This prompts T7 to aim his blaster at Jettster, who disables the droid by hurling the entire pan of stew at it, clogging its internal mechanisms. The remaining two members of Jarl's crew open fire, prompting Jettster to have Wanda evacuate the customers while Servit provides him with more pans to use as weapons. The Besalisk effectively wields the pans, forcing the human and Togruta to surrender.

However, the conflict is not yet resolved, as Jarl regains consciousness and presses a blaster against Servit's neck, compelling him and Jettster to retreat to the diner's back. The EX droid completes its reboot and begins playing a message from Sturm Umbrik, who delivers a report on Shara'Tam, its treasure, and its coordinates. Once the message concludes, Jettster erupts into boisterous laughter, irritating Jarl, who intends to travel to the moon and amass a fortune. Suppressing his laughter, Jettster agrees that the treasure would have been invaluable, but according to the EX droid's coordinates, Shara'Tam was located in the Ishram system, which was obliterated fifty years ago.
Jarl instructs the Togruta to verify Jettster's claim but neglects to confirm the coordinates himself. The Togruta confirms the system's destruction. Enraged, Jarl leads his dejected crew out of the diner to take T7 to the repair shop. Servit expresses his gratitude to Jettster for his assistance and apologizes for his inability to compensate for the restaurant's damages. The Besalisk, however, believes that Servit possesses a valuable family legacy, which confuses Servit, who believes the Ishram system was destroyed. Jettster confirms its destruction but reveals that the EX droid's coordinates actually point to the still-existing Arath system, indicating that he had deceived Jarl. Servit laughs in disbelief and jokingly requests a dewback burger to replace the brakkenback stew, which is now gone. Jettster chuckles heartily and suggests that Servit first assist Wanda in cleaning up the diner.
StarWars.com announced that George Mann would be writing a story centered on Dexter Jettster as part of the Galactic Tales series. This was revealed in an article on February 25, 2022, and was to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the prequel trilogy film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. In the article, Mann shared his fondness for the prequel trilogy era and its development by the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. Mann aimed to expand on the history of the galaxy explored by The Clone Wars in a similar manner to the Star Wars: The High Republic project. "Inheritance" was featured in the 211th issue of Star Wars Insider magazine, published by Titan Magazines on June 7, 2022. It was later reprinted in the Journal of the Whills special edition of Star Wars - Das offizielle Magazin's 108th issue, published by Panini Verlag on December 14, 2022.
"Inheritance" marked the initial introduction of the EX droid and the Republic Pathfinders. Both elements later assumed significant roles in Phase II of Star Wars: The High Republic. As a component of the Galactic Tales series, the narrative showcased a character and setting—Jettster and his diner—that were also present in Attack of the Clones.