
A Weequay male named Jarl was the leader of a crew operating on the planet of Coruscant. When Servit, a Mirialan, inquired about the potential value of a family droid belonging to him, Jarl, aware that the droid held a connection to the legend of the moon called Shara'Tam, attempted to seize it from Servit. Servit, however, resisted and sought refuge in Dex's Diner, a local eatery. Jarl pursued him, holding the entire establishment hostage in an effort to coerce Servit into surrendering the droid.

Shortly thereafter, Dexter Jettster, Servit's friend and the diner's proprietor, rendered Jarl unconscious. Following an exchange of blaster fire, the Weequay regained consciousness and pressed his blaster against Servit's neck, demanding the droid's secrets. After the droid played a message revealing the coordinates of Shara'Tam, Jettster erupted in laughter, asserting that the location had been destroyed. Jarl, without verifying the coordinates, accepted Jettster's claim and departed the diner, lamenting his missed opportunity.


The Pursuit of Servit

Jarl was whacked in the head by a frying pan of Dexter Jettster (pictured).

Overseeing a crew on Coruscant was a Weequay male named Jarl, whose team consisted of a human, a Togruta, and a protocol droid designated T7. Sometime during the era of the Galactic Republic, a Mirialan individual named Servit approached Jarl, seeking information about the worth of a family EX droid. This droid was associated with a legendary story, a tale of a great treasure on the moon of Shara'Tam. Recognizing the legend, the Weequay sought to forcibly take the droid from Servit. Servit, however, resisted and fled, believing he had evaded Jarl and his crew. He found refuge at Dex's Diner, the restaurant owned by his Besalisk friend, Dexter Jettster.

However, his pursuers caught up to Servit and rounded up the diner's customers at blaster point. Jarl waved his own blaster when he saw Servit, greeting him; the Mirialan cringed and continued to maintain that he would not give up the droid. The Weequay threatened to ruin lunch for the diners if he continued to do so, but Jettster then tried to help out, informing Jarl that Servit would be keeping the droid and that no one's lunch would be spoiled.

Jettster's presence broke Jarl's confidence, but he stood his ground and suggested that Servit consider his options over a bowl of brakkenback stew. Although Servit did not think he even had any options due to the hostages that the crew was holding, Jettster agreed and went to get the stew from the kitchen, with the Mirialan following. When they returned, Jarl picked up a spoon, began to compliment the dish, and was knocked unconscious by a frying pan with which Jettster struck his head.

Jettster's jest

Jarl's plans were foiled in Dex's Diner.

As the rest of the crew began firing at Jettster and Servit, diners tried to escape, and the Besalisk owner was able to fend off attackers until they surrendered. It was then that Jarl re-entered the fight, poking his blaster in Servit's neck and forcing him into the kitchen. Once there, the droid, which had been rebooting all the while, began playing a holorecording of the Jedi Sturm Umbrik, who was famous for his expedition to Shara'Tam centuries prior.

The message confirmed that there was treasure on the moon—a statue—and provided Shara'Tam's coordinates. Once the message had ended, following a silence, Jettster began guffawing loudly, angering Jarl, who proclaimed that the statue would provide a fortune for him. Fighting back laughter, Jettser agreed that the statue would have indeed been worth a fortune, explaining that the coordinates pointed to the Ishram system, which had been destroyed fifty years prior when its sun went supernova.

Unbeknownst to the Weequay, Shara'Tam was actually located in the still-existing Arath system, and Jettster had been lying. After Jarl confirmed with his Togruta crewmate that the Ishram system was really gone but without rechecking the coordinates, he grumbled that Servit could keep the droid and that he had better get T7 fixed, for stew had gotten into his circuits. As they walked out of the kitchen, the Togruta mumbled something about a missing bounty hunter on the planet Batuu.

Personality and traits

Jarl demonstrated a willingness to hold an entire diner hostage to obtain a clue to a treasure, and he also showed no hesitation in threatening Servit with a blaster. He presented a menacing figure upon entering Dex's Diner, speaking with a high-pitched, reedy voice and displaying a toothy grin. He considered himself reasonable for allowing Servit time to consider his options, despite the alternative being death. The prospect of treasure filled him with excitement, but he became dejected upon believing it was lost, casting a murderous glare at Servit. A past injury had caused the flesh around one of his eyes to pucker and scar, leaving the eye milky and white.


Jarl was armed with a blaster pistol and wore a worn leather waistcoat and shirt.

Behind the scenes

Jarl played the role of the primary antagonist in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," a short story featured in the Galactic Tales series. George Mann authored the story, which appeared in the 211th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine on June 7, 2022.

