Brakkenback stew

Brakkenback stew was a hearty stew variety offered at Dex's Diner located on the planet of Coruscant. During an incident where Jarl, a Weequay, held several of the diner's customers as hostages, he made a demand of Dexter Jettster, the Besalisk owner of the establishment: a serving of this stew. Jettster complied with the request, but then proceeded to assault the Weequay, and subsequently flung a pan full of the stew at the protocol droid known as T7.


Brakkenback stew was a dense stew considered suitable for consumption by species such as Besalisks, Mirialans, and Weequay.


Brakkenback stew was served at Dex's Diner (pictured).

During the reign of the Galactic Republic, Dex's Diner, situated on the planet Coruscant, included brakkenback stew on its menu. On one particular occasion, the Mirialan named Servit visited the diner to have a meeting with Dexter Jettster, the Besalisk who owned the place. Jettster inquired if Servit desired a midday meal, specifically mentioning that the brakkenback stew prepared that day's was especially delicious. Servit, though expressing a desire to have lunch, requested a private conversation with Jettster behind the diner instead.

Their discussion was disrupted by the arrival of the Weequay criminal Jarl and his crew. They were holding several diner patrons against their will, attempting to coerce Servit into surrendering an EX droid in his possession that contained crucial data. When Sevrit and Jettster confronted the criminals, Jarl, enticed by the aroma, demanded a portion of the brakkenback stew. The Besalisk then used a ladle to serve the stew from the large cooking pot into a bowl, which he presented to the Weequay. As Jarl set down his blaster and reached for a utensil to partake in the stew, Jettster struck the criminal on the head with a frying pan, causing him to collapse forward and spill the stew all over himself.

Dexter Jettster (pictured) threw a batch of brakkenback stew on the droid T7.

Subsequently, the Besalisk hurled the remainder of the stew-filled pan at T7, a protocol droid affiliated with Jarl. This caused the droid to exclaim in distress as the thick sauce permeated its internal mechanisms. Jarl quickly recovered, but after learning that the data on the droid was without value, the Weequay departed with T7 to ensure the stew did not permanently damage the droid. Servit then requested a dewback burger for his lunch, assuming that the stew was all gone.

Behind the scenes

Brakkenback stew made an appearance in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," a part of the Galactic Tales collection of short stories. The story was penned by George Mann and featured in the 211th issue of the Star Wars Insider magazine, published on June 7, 2022.

