T7, a protocol droid with copper plating, served the Weequay Jarl during the Republic Era. When the Mirialan Servit informed Jarl about possessing a valuable EX droid, T7 aided Jarl in the pursuit, which led them to Dex's Diner. During the subsequent conflict, Dexter Jettster, the diner's proprietor, incapacitated T7 by throwing brakkenback stew at him, causing internal damage and rendering the droid useless for the remainder of the altercation.

T7, a protocol droid, was part of the crew under the command of the Weequay Jarl, alongside a human and a Togruta. In the Galactic Republic period, on the planet of Coruscant, the Mirialan named Servit inquired with Jarl about the worth of an EX droid his family owned. Jarl, aware of the droid's connection to a treasure legend and its immense value, attempted to seize it. However, Servit fled, seeking refuge at the eatery known as Dex's Diner. Unbeknownst to Servit, the crew followed him, storming the diner and holding the patrons at blaster point. Jarl tried to persuade the Mirialan to surrender the droid, threatening to disrupt everyone's lunch if he refused, which amused T7. Dexter Jettster, the owner, insisted that his friend would not relinquish the droid. Intimidated, Jarl suggested they discuss the matter over a bowl of brakkenback stew.
Jettster retrieved a bowl of the stew but also armed himself with a frying pan, which he used to render Jarl unconscious. This act ignited a blaster fight. Before T7 could engage, Jettster hurled the stew at the droid, causing the protocol droid to exclaim loudly, as the thick sauce infiltrated his internal mechanisms. After the fight, Jarl, holding a blaster to Servit, forced him into the kitchen to examine the EX droid, leaving T7 on the floor attempting to remove the stew. Following the inspection of the droid and the playback of its message, Jettster managed to convince Jarl—falsely—that the treasure's location was destroyed. Upon incorrectly concluding the droid was worthless, Jarl stated they needed to take T7 to a shop before the stew inflicted permanent circuit damage. The crew then retrieved a still-groaning T7 as they exited the diner.
T7 made his debut in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," a short story featured in the Galactic Tales series. George Mann authored the story, which appeared in the 211th issue of Star Wars Insider magazine on June 7, 2022.