Jarl's crew

A team consisting of a minimum of four individuals was under the command of the Weequay Jarl on the world of Coruscant. Upon discovering that the Mirialan Servit possessed a valuable EX droid, they trailed him to Dex's Diner. Inside, the crew menaced the patrons with blasters. After a brief lightfight, Jarl, Servit, and the establishment's proprietor, Dexter Jettster, scrutinized the droid. The droid then revealed the location of some hidden riches. However, Jettster deceived the group into believing the treasure was located within a demolished system, causing them to depart, disheartened by their apparent misfortune.


On Coruscant, a crew was headed by the Weequay Jarl. This crew was composed of a human female, a Togruta male, and a protocol droid, known as T7, in addition to Jarl himself.


Dexter Jettster (pictured) interrupted the plans of Jarl's crew.

During the time of the Galactic Republic era, a Mirialan individual named Servit inquired with Jarl about the worth of a family heirloom, a EX droid. Jarl, aware that the droid indicated the location of a significant treasure, attempted to seize it. However, Servit fled to the restaurant Dex's Diner to consult with his friend, Dexter Jettster, the diner's owner. Jarl's crew pursued him, and upon entering the diner, the other three members threatened the patrons with blasters, while Jarl attempted to persuade Servit to surrender the droid.

When Jettster intervened, Jarl requested a bowl of brakkenback stew to facilitate discussion. Jettster provided the stew, but upon serving it, he incapacitated Jarl with a frying pan. T7 responded by raising his blaster, however Jettster threw the stew at the protocol droid, which damaged his internal mechanisms. The Togruta and human also began firing their blasters, but Jettster ultimately subdued them with his pans. Just as Servit and Jettster seemed to have gained the upper hand, Jarl regained consciousness and held a blaster to Servit's neck, forcing him into the kitchen, where he had left the EX droid.

Once inside, they viewed a message left by the Jedi Sturm Umbrik, the leader of an expedition to the moon Shara'Tam who had discovered treasure there centuries before. The message also contained coordinates, which Jarl intended to use to locate the treasure. Nevertheless, Jettster tricked Jarl and his crew into believing that Shara'Tam was located in the Ishram system, which had been destroyed fifty years earlier, when it was actually in the still-existing Arath system. After confirming the destruction of the Ishram system with the Togruta, but failing to verify the coordinates personally, Jarl and his now-disappointed crew departed, planning to take T7 to a repair shop. As they left, the Togruta mentioned a missing bounty hunter on the planet Batuu.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Jarl's crew was in "Galactic Tales: Inheritance," a short story featured in the Galactic Tales series. George Mann authored the story, which was published in the 211th edition of Star Wars Insider magazine on June 7, 2022.

