
Uriah was a Twi'lek of the male persuasion who made his home on Taris during the period known as the Old Sith Wars. The year 3956 BBY saw him living there when the Sith Empire of Darth Malak placed the entire ecumenopolis under quarantine. He was a regular at Javyar's Cantina in the Lower City, where he made a living by selling Pazaak cards.


During the time of the Old Sith Wars, Uriah was born on the planet of Taris, an urban world located in the Outer Rim. The human population on Taris was largely humanocentric and showed discriminatory behavior towards the poor and other [species](/article/species-legends]. As a result, Uriah was forced to reside in the impoverished Lower City. A significant portion of his time was spent at Javyar's Cantina, situated within the Lower City, where he made his living selling cards for Pazaak, a gambling card game popular among many sentients of that era.

The Jedi Civil War

The year 3956 BBY saw the Hammerhead-class cruiser, the Endar Spire, which belonged to the Galactic Republic, suffer an ambush at the hands of Darth Malak's Sith Empire, resulting in its destruction. Bastila Shan, a Jedi Padawan aboard the vessel, found herself unable to utilize her Battle meditation due to the sudden nature of the assault. Shan, accompanied by several soldiers including Carth Onasi and Revan, made their escape in escape pods, which subsequently crashed onto the planet's surface. The Sith responded by imposing a planet-wide quarantine, with the objective of trapping and locating Shan.

While Shan's escape pod crashed in the planet's undercity, Revan and Onasi's pod instead crashed in the Upper City, leading them to initiate a search for Shan. When Revan visited Javyar's cantina in search of information regarding Shan, Uriah was present. Revan approached him, inquiring about the Lower City and the escape pods that had crashed in the Undercity. Although he was willing to share his limited knowledge on most subjects, he refused to speak about the crime lord Davik Kang, because Zax the Hutt, an associate of Kang, was present in the nearby bounty office.

Uriah remained on Taris during the bombardment and subsequent destruction of the planet by the Sith Fleet, which occurred after Malak's unsuccessful attempt to locate Bastila Shan.

Personality and traits

Uriah was a Twi'lek male with [green](/article/color-legends] skin and eyes of a gray hue. Like many males of his species, he wore his lekku draped around his neck. When present in the cantina, he typically wore a brown tunic paired with orange pants. He held the belief that the streets were safer under the control of the Hidden Beks swoop gang, and harbored a dislike for the Black Vulkars. He considered Brejik to be both ruthless and somewhat insane. He exercised caution to avoid speaking negatively about Davik Kang in the presence of any of Kang's associates. While he possessed an understanding of basic, he primarily communicated in Huttese.

Behind the scenes

Uriah made an appearance as a non-player character within the 2003 roleplaying game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Engaging in dialogue with him is not mandatory, and players have the option to completely bypass interaction with Uriah. The dialogue options available do not contribute to the advancement of the plot, the completion of any quests, nor do they influence the player's alignment.

