Zax's bounty office

Zax, the proprietor of Zax's Bounty Office Within Javyar's Cantina, situated in the Lower City of Taris, one could find Zax's bounty office. While the bounties displayed at the office were intended to be officially sanctioned by the government, Davik Kang frequently disregarded regulations and posted unauthorized bounties. These "special bounties," as they were known, were often preferred by bounty hunters because they presented less danger than standard, officially approved bounties. A Hutt by the name of Zax managed the office.

Many bounty hunters seeking employment on Taris frequented Zax's bounty office. Among those who visited the office were bounty hunters Calo Nord and Canderous Ordo. It is believed that the bounty office was destroyed during the Sith bombardment of Taris in 3956 BBY.

Noteworthy Bounties

In 3956 BBY, in the time leading up to the Sith attack on Taris, the following bounties were advertised at Zax's bounty office.

Bounties from the Tarisian Government


Selven, a Tarisian Assassin.

Bendak Starkiller

Bendak Starkiller, a former Mandalorian who made his living as a Bounty hunter on Taris, where he inadvertently caused the death of a nobleman's daughter, subsequently becoming a gladiator at the Taris dueling ring.

Bounties from the Exchange


Largo, a merchant from Taris who was in debt to Davik.


Matrik, a Twi'lek who used to be part of the Exchange but betrayed Davik.


Dia, a female inhabitant of the Taris Upper City who defended herself by striking an Exchange operative named Holdan with a Vibroblade.

