
Dia was a female Human from the planet of Taris, existing during the time of the Jedi Civil War which pitted the Galactic Republic against the Sith Empire. Her occupation was that of a waitress at Javyar's Cantina, a local establishment found within the Lower City of Taris.

While working at the cantina, Dia faced harassment from a drunk individual named Holdan, an employee of Davik Kang, the crime lord who controlled the local branch of the Exchange. Dia defended herself by striking Holdan with a vibroblade, resulting in his injury and humiliation. In response, Holdan placed a bounty on Dia's head through the bounty office operated by Zax the Hutt, another associate of Kang. This forced Dia to seek refuge in an apartment within the Upper City, cutting her off from the wider world.

Revan, a former Sith Lord who had lost his memories, arrived on Taris and encountered Dia in her hiding place. Dia confided in Revan about her predicament, and Revan offered to assist in removing the bounty. Later, Revan confronted Holdan at Javyar's Cantina, successfully convincing him to withdraw the bounty. Revan then returned to Dia, informing her of his success, allowing her to emerge from her hiding.


Confrontation with Holdan

Holdan, an associate of Davik Kang, drunkenly assaulted Dia.

During the Jedi Civil War – a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire – Dia resided on the Outer Rim planet of Taris. As a relatively impoverished individual, she earned her living as a waitress at Javyar's Cantina, situated in the Lower City of the ecumenopolis.

While working at the cantina, Dia crossed paths with Holdan, a human male employed by Davik Kang, the crime lord in charge of the Exchange's operations in the area. Holdan, having become drunk, attempted to sexually assault Dia while she was on duty. She vehemently rejected Holdan's advances and defended herself using a vibroblade, nearly killing him. The confrontation left Holdan with a scar and a feeling of shame in front of the cantina's patrons. Fueled by anger and a desire to salvage his reputation, Holdan illegally placed a bounty of three hundred credits on Dia at a bounty office within the cantina, owned by Zax the Hutt, another of Kang's associates in the Exchange.

In hiding

Dia was forced to hide out in her Upper City apartment.

Due to the bounty, Dia had to quit her job as a waitress and seek refuge in the Upper City. She eventually found an apartment in the dilapidated South Apartments complex, among aliens forced to live there due to Taris's speciesist laws. Because of Holdan's connections to Kang and the Exchange, the local authorities deliberately ignored the situation. She barely earned enough credits to survive and couldn't afford to pay off the three hundred credit bounty herself. Fearing for her life, she remained confined to her apartment, eventually losing touch with the political events of the outside world.

Removing the bounty

In 3956 BBY, following a battle above the planet involving the Republic Hammerhead-class cruiser Endar Spire and a Sith fleet, several Republic escape pods crashed onto Taris's surface. One of these pods contained the Republic war hero Carth Onasi and Revan, the former Dark Lord of the Sith whose memories had been replaced with those of a loyal Republic soldier. Revan and Onasi sought shelter in the Upper City's South Apartments, attempting to avoid detection by the Sith, who had imposed a planet-wide quarantine on Taris to capture Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan, whose battle meditation ability made her a crucial asset to the Republic's war effort. The duo's hideout was adjacent to Dia's locked apartment.

Revan managed to enter Dia's locked apartment and approached her, surprising her and prompting her to scold him for the intrusion. Despite his apologies, she remained upset, although she acknowledged his politeness compared to Holdan. Revan inquired about Holdan, but Dia was hesitant to share information due to her distrust. However, Revan managed to persuade Dia to recount the entire story, and she explained her predicament to him. Revan offered to help remove the bounty, and although Dia was skeptical, she directed him to Javyar's Cantina, where Holdan frequently spent time. Dia wished Revan luck in reasoning with Holdan but couldn't answer Revan's other questions due to her confinement within her apartment.

Revan located and confronted Holdan at Javyar's Cantina. Despite Holdan's reluctance to remove the bounty to save his reputation, Revan and his companions successfully convinced him otherwise. Holdan then went to the bounty office and cancelled the bounty with Zax the Hutt, who was also associated with Davik Kang.

Revan returned to Dia's apartment to inform her of his success. Overjoyed by the news, she expressed her gratitude profusely. Despite her limited resources, Dia offered to reward Revan with an Energy projecter, a family heirloom used to enhance melee weapons. However, Revan declined the reward, stating that helping her was sufficient. Dia offered a final goodbye and thanks to Revan, finally free to emerge from hiding.

Personality and traits

Dia was a female Human with light skin, black hair, and brown eyes.

When a bounty was placed on her, Dia believed the most sensible action was to hide in her apartment, refusing to risk leaving. While motivated by fear, she believed in making a brave stand when attacked or faced with unavoidable danger, proving she wasn't defenseless. She was defiant and readily criticized the misdeeds of others, such as burglary or harassment.


Dia wore a green tunic over a gray undertunic, paired with gray pants. She also wore brown knee-length boots, dark brown gloves, and a metallic utility belt with several pouches. Her hair was styled in a ponytail secured with a brown tie.

During her time as a waitress, she carried a vibroblade, which she used against Holdan.

Behind the scenes

Dia's first appearance was as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, released by BioWare. Interactions with her are optional, but her dialogue can initiate the "Dia's Bounty" side quest. This quest can be completed in several ways, influencing the player's alignment. To start the quest, the player must pass a persuasion check or threaten Dia. Alternatively, the player can refuse or avoid the quest. The 2008 reference book The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia confirms that Revan completed the quest, stating that Revan convinced Holdan to remove the bounty. If the player speaks to Dia while wearing Sith armor, she expresses annoyance with the Sith patrols and tells Revan that he will find nothing in her apartment.

Gameplay alternatives

Light side options

There are three ways to persuade Holdan to drop the bounty and gain light side points. The player can pay him two hundred credits to cancel the bounty or persuade him to cancel it without payment. If Bastila Shan is in the party during the confrontation, she will use Force persuasion to make him withdraw the bounty if the player fails to convince Holdan. If Dia's bounty is removed, she will offer the player an Energy projector. The player can accept it or refuse it for more light side points. The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia does not specify which option was chosen.

Dark side options

Alternatively, in a dark side option, the player can kill Dia to claim the bounty. If Carth Onasi is in the party, he objects, giving the player a chance to reconsider. The player can spare her or proceed with the attack. If Dia is killed, the player can collect a three hundred credit bounty from Zax in the Lower City. The player can persuade Zax to raise the reward to four hundred credits.

