Vac-head anthem

A specific type of song, known as a vac-head anthem, was typically performed by the "vac-heads". These "vac-heads" were, in fact, TIE fighter pilots who operated "in the black," meaning they were flying in the vacuum of space, serving the Imperial Navy. The pilots of Nashtah Squadron, a group of "ground-hogs" (pilots who flew within a planetary atmosphere), were dispatched to Portocari on a mission shortly following the destruction of the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin in 0 ABY. During this mission, Muller sustained injuries, while Barsay, Riggs, and Chan met their death battling rebel fighters. Following this engagement, the remaining members of the squadron found themselves at the Zero Angle cantina. Huck Trompo and Sully Olvar, hoping to unwind after their harrowing experience, initiated a ground-hog anthem with the intention of provoking the pilots of Banshee Squadron into a confrontation. Banshee Squadron retaliated by launching into a vac-head anthem, which escalated the situation and ultimately led to a brawl.

Behind the scenes

The short story "Last Call at the Zero Angle," penned by Jason Fry, which is considered canon, features a vac-head anthem. This story saw publication within Star Wars Insider 156 on March 10, 2015.

