Venator I-class Star Destroyer

The Venator I-class Star Destroyer served as a vessel for the Galactic Republic Navy. This starship, recognizable by its wedge-like form, was equipped with a set of eight DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets along with a pair of medium dual turbolaser cannons. The Venator II-class succeeded the Venator I-class in service.


A member of the Venator-class, the Venator I-class Star Destroyer's hull was defined by its dual wedge shape and a dorsal superstructure located towards the rear, featuring a pair of towers. The superstructure was flanked by four DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets on the port side and four on the starboard side. A recessed area of the hull, connecting the dorsal and ventral surfaces, housed one medium dual turbolaser cannon on each side (port and starboard).


The Venator I-class was utilized by the Galactic Republic's navy. A Venator I-class starship belonging to the Republic's Open Circle Fleet was once stationed near Valor, a space station that orbited Carida, a planet within the Carida system located in the Colonies region. This particular vessel displayed a central red stripe running from the bow to the superstructure on its dorsal surface, along with four red stripes on each aft wing, and an Open Circle emblem on either side of the centerline, positioned near the middle of the ship.

The Venator II-class replaced the Venator I-class, and was later used by both the Republic and the Galactic Empire. The Empire formed from the Republic in 19 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Venator I-class Star Destroyer's first visual appearance, though unnamed, was in "Republic Reinforcements," an article from Fantasy Flight Games for the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game, published on their website on January 25, 2021. This article promoted the Venator-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack, which Atomic Mass Games released on April 16, 2021. The Venator I-class Star Destroyer was identified as such on a card within the expansion pack, bearing the same name.


  • Republic Reinforcements on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link) (First pictured)
  • Star Wars: Armada — Venator-class Star Destroyer Expansion Pack (Card: Venator I-class Star Destroyer) (First identified as Venator I-class Star Destroyer)
  • " Launchpad " — Star Wars Insider 204
  • Star Wars: The Clone Wars board game (Picture only)

Notes and references

  • Atomic Mass Transmissions Live Star Wars! on the atomicmassgames Twitch channel (original link)
