Voe's lightsaber

A human female, Force-sensitive named Voe wielded a lightsaber with a green blade. She became a member of the Jedi Order and was trained by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker as his padawan. This lightsaber was used by Voe as she searched for Ben Solo. In the year 28 ABY, Ben Solo destroyed Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple. Voe, along with fellow Padawans Tai and Hennix, faced Ben, brandishing her lightsaber, but Solo proved too powerful and escaped without explanation. They chased him to an outpost located on Elphrona where they dueled on a cliffside. Solo attempted to use a Force push to kill Voe, causing her lightsaber to be dislodged from her grip and shatter upon the rocks below. After surviving the fall, Voe picked up the lightsaber of her friend Hennix, who was killed by Solo during their confrontation, seeking to avenge his death.

Behind the scenes

The first appearance of Voe's lightsaber was in the initial issue of the Star Wars: The Rise of Kylo Ren comic mini-series from Marvel Comics, with Charles Soule as the comic writer and Will Sliney providing the illustrations.

