Vrannin Vaxx was a male Human mercenary originating from the planet called Dorvalla. He achieved notoriety during the conflict known as the Yuuzhan Vong War, but he almost died when a personnel shuttle crashed close to the war's conclusion. His family managed to acquire a YVH 1 droid from the black market and converted it into a cybernetic body to house Vaxx.
In the year 43.5 ABY, Vaxx, in conjunction with a female Human bounty hunter and the Quarren inventor named Dhidal Nyz, was contracted by Chief of State Natasi Daala with the task of capturing the fugitive Jedi Knight Valin Horn. During this pursuit, Vaxx sustained a gunshot wound, and the hunters' vehicle was rendered inoperable by the actions of former smuggler Han Solo alongside his wife, Leia Organa Solo, while piloting the Millennium Falcon, which subsequently compelled the hunters to abandon their bounty. Horn was eventually apprehended by the Jedi and brought back to the Jedi Temple. Later on, Vaxx was employed, together with the bounty hunter Zilaash Kuh, by the Galactic Alliance to aid in the arrest of Valin Horn from within the Temple.
Vrannin Vaxx was a male Human who was born on Dorvalla, a planet located in the Outer Rim Territories within the Videnda sector. He became a mercenary and gained recognition for his service during the Yuuzhan Vong War, but he suffered severe injuries when his personnel shuttle crashed towards the end of the war. The majority of his body, approximately two-thirds, was irrevocably destroyed. However, rather than simply replacing the damaged parts with basic prostheses, Vaxx's affluent family—a mining family—obtained a YVH 1 droid from the black market and repurposed it into a cybernetic body for Vaxx.
In the year 43.5 ABY, Vaxx, along with two other bounty hunters—a blond Human female and the Quarren inventor Dhidal Nyz—in a cargo hauler piloted by another being, were recruited by Chief of State Natasi Daala to serve as part of her special-missions force. Their assignment was to apprehend the fugitive Jedi Knight Valin Horn, who was experiencing a psychological breakdown. During the pursuit through Coruscant, the galactic capital, Horn ejected from the vintage T-65 X-wing starfighter he was piloting, with his ejector seat landing in the cargo bed of the hauler. Before the bounty hunters could engage him, they were interrupted by Jedi Knight Jaina Solo as she leapt from her airspeeder onto the cargo bed with the intention of capturing Horn. Horn quickly made his escape using his ejector seat, and Solo landed in the exact spot where Horn had been standing just moments before. Vaxx assured Solo that their intentions were not to harm her, but Nyz discharged his electric net gun at the Jedi. The net ensnared Solo and caused her to fall over the edge of the cargo bed. The female bounty hunter began to scold Nyz for his impetuous action, but a racing speeder zoomed past the hauler, causing it to tilt sideways. Nyz was thrown off the hauler, and their female colleague lost her balance; however, Vaxx managed to maintain his footing.
As they accelerated back up to speed, Vaxx initiated fire upon Solo and her companion, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn, who were in their speeder. Nevertheless, the hunters soon found themselves under fire from former smuggler Han Solo and his wife, Leia Organa Solo, aboard their starship, the Millennium Falcon. Vaxx was struck, and the cyborg was propelled into the control cab of the cargo hauler. Smoke began to billow out of the cab, and the hauler's speed decreased. The bounty hunters were compelled to abandon their pursuit, but Vaxx survived the incident and was promptly repaired. Not long after, Horn was apprehended by Jedi Grand Master Luke Skywalker and eventually confined within the Jedi Temple. Shortly thereafter, Vaxx was contracted by the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances, alongside fellow bounty hunter Zilaash Kuh, to accompany Galactic Alliance Security forces, led by Captain Oric Harfard, to the Jedi Temple with the purpose of arresting Valin Horn. Horn was subsequently subjected to a trial, found guilty, encased in carbonite, and incarcerated in the Armand Isard Correctional Facility, a prison located on Coruscant.
Vrannin Vaxx was critically wounded in a shuttle crash near the end of the Yuuzhan Vong War, which resulted in his irreparably damaged body being replaced with the body of a YVH 1 droid. Although he was unable to carry as many weapons as a standard YVH droid due to his smaller carapace, he compensated for this limitation with his intelligence and experience. He frequently collaborated with other bounty hunters and was also employed by the Galactic Alliance.
Vrannin Vaxx made an appearance in Fate of the Jedi: Outcast, a 2009 novel authored by Aaron Allston, which served as the first installment in the nine-part Fate of the Jedi series.