Wazta emergence

The Wazta emergence represented one of the many Emergences that occurred during the Great Hyperspace Disaster. During this disaster, fragments originating from the obliterated freighter, the Legacy Run, were violently ejected from hyperspace at tremendous velocities, scattering across various points within the Outer Rim Territories. Following the Wazta emergence, two Hassarians who had suffered significant injuries were transported to the medcenter located within the Starlight Beacon space station to receive medical attention. It was at this point that Ambassador Ceeril, a member of the Skembo species – a group with a historically adversarial relationship with the Hassarians – endeavored to falsely accuse them of plotting an assassination against him. He attempted to do this by using stolen hair and DNA to implicate them. Ceeril suggested that the injuries the Hassarians sustained during the Emergence could serve as a convenient explanation for their involvement in the alleged assassination plot. However, Administrator Velko Jahen successfully exposed Ceeril's manipulative scheme.

