Wet Bub, a Gungan and skilled slicer, operated within the Nihil, a marauder group, during the High Republic Era. Functioning as a Storm under the Weequay Tempest Runner Kassav Milliko, Bub was infamous as a brutal killer. His moniker, "Wet Bub," originated from his frequent return from Nihil raids completely covered from head-to-toe in the blood of his victims. Bub participated with Milliko's Tempest in several conflicts in 232 BBY, notably the attempted extortion of the planet Eriadu amidst the Great Hyperspace Disaster's hyperspace debris Emergence. This operation's failure made Milliko and his crew targets. Later, at the Battle of Kur, a joint task force composed of the Galactic Republic, Jedi, and an Eriaduan flotilla of Eriaduan cruisers cornered the Tempest. Despite the Nihil's brutal tactics, Republic forces ultimately defeated them. Wet Bub was among the last survivors on Milliko's flagship, the New Elite, before Eriaduan soldiers boarded and eliminated everyone.
Wet Bub, a male Gungan, was a highly proficient slicer. Despite consistently losing arm wrestling matches against Kassav Milliko, Bub's persistence earned the respect of his Tempest Runner.