A Zeilla flower was a type of flower native to the planet of Tenoo. Back in the High Republic Era, specifically in the year 232 BBY, three Jedi younglings journeyed into the forests of Tenoo with the purpose of finding a Zeilla flower. Eventually, one of them, named Nubs, discovered the flower and plucked it so it could be taken to the Jedi Temple for research.

In the year 232 BBY, a Zeilla flower was present at the Jedi Temple situated on Tenoo. Around that time, the Jedi younglings known as Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay undertook a mission on Tenoo. Their objective was to obtain a Zeilla flower for the purpose of studying it at the Temple. Nubs spotted one growing on a tree, and with enthusiasm, he started climbing to pick it, but he needed to exercise caution because a large bird was obstructing his path, adding weight to the branch.
As Nubs cautiously approached the flower, the bird took flight from the tree, which removed the weight and caused Nubs to spring upwards. He ended up landing on a branch close to the one holding the flower, and he activated his lightsaber to get it. However, the bird was drawn to shiny objects and consequently grabbed Nubs by the head, refusing to release him until he deactivated the lightsaber. He then reactivated it and flew on the bird's back to the branch, cutting off the flower, which Solay caught as it fell. She then handed the Zeilla flower to Brightstar, who expressed his gratitude to Nubs.

The Zeilla flower made its initial appearance in "Meet the Young Jedi," which served as the introductory short for the Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures series. This short was made available on the Disney Junior YouTube channel on March 27, 2023. Subsequently, it was identified in "Nubs and the Flower Fiasco," the fourth short of the series, which was launched on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on April 3, 2023. The flower's design was created by artist Genai Bittrich.