In 232 BBY, Ansen Strung was a bounty hunter who went to the forest planet Tenoo after he was hired by the human Raena Zess to find her missing pet kibbin Figgles. He searched the town of Kublop Springs, though Strung attracted the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay after making a mess around the marketplace. Brightstar introduced himself and his friends to Strung. Strung introduced himself a bounty hunter, confusing Nubs as to what it is. Strung explained that bounty hunter is someone who is paid to find things, usually people. Strung told the younglings what he was hired to do, finding a kibbin. Recognizing the creature, Solay opened a datapad and showed him the Galactic Creature Guide of kibbins.