
Chonyo was a Yuuzhan Vong warrior who crewed aboard the Crimson Axe at some point before the year 137 ABY. The Crimson Axe was a vessel captained by Rav, a notorious Feeorin pirate whose opportunistic crew helped him attack ships and settlements throughout the galaxy. While serving aboard the vessel, Chonyo taught the young Human Jariah Syn to manipulate Yuuzhan Vong biotechnology and to operate illegal Yuuzhan Vong weaponry such as thud bugs and amphistaffs, both of which Syn could easily handle by 137 ABY. Chonyo was fluent in the Yuuzhan Vong, a tongue that he also taught to Syn.

Created by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, Chonyo was first mentioned, albeit unidentified, in 2007 in the seventeenth issue of the comic series Star Wars: Legacy. He was later identified in 2010 in the forty-fourth issue of the series.

Behind the scenes

Created by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, Chonyo was first mentioned, albeit unidentified, in 2007 in the seventeenth issue of the comic series Star Wars: Legacy. He was later identified in 2010 in the forty-fourth issue of the series.


  • Legacy Era Campaign Guide






