Around 40 BBY, as Maripher and Wick went to Pijal on an crystal-stealing operation, they became involved in a Jedi mission led by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Wick took it to engage in a firefight with the blackguards and Czerka Corporation. She was shot down captured. Kenobi and Maripher repaired it. As the crisis came to a tipping point, Kenobi was aboard the Facet and accidentally engaged the autopursuit, taking the starfighter through the corridors of the cruiser Leverage and crashing into the bridge.
The Facet appears in the 2019 novel Master & Apprentice, written by Claudia Gray.
The Facet appears in the 2019 novel Master & Apprentice, written by Claudia Gray.