"Gifting With Grogu" is a non-canon animated LEGO short released on November 18, 2022 on the LEGO YouTube and StarWarsKids.com channels. It is part of the LEGO STAR WARS: Celebrate the Season series.
The Mandalorian and Grogu hop in their N-1 starfighter to deliver gifts across the galaxy.
The episode opens with Din Djarin preparing a heap of Christmas presents with Grogu. Djarin later uses his N-1 starfighter to haul a sled carrying the presents to Boba Fett's palace. They fly over Mos Espa.
At Fett's palace, Fett and his entourage are celebrating. Fennec Shand is on guard duty and lets Djarin and Grogu into the throne room after determining they are friendly. Djarin gives out presents to Fett's entourage including the two Gamorrean guards. Djarin gifts Fett with a new jetpack which causes the latter to fly through the ceiling during a test flight.
Later, Djarin and Grogu distribute presents to Peli Motto and others at a local bar before visiting a clan of Tusken Raiders. One of the Tuskens takes an interest in an umbrella but is swept away by the strong desert winds. In space, Djarin distributes gifts to the New Republic X-wing starfighter pilots Captain Carson Teva and Trapper Wolf. Returning to Tatooine, Djarin gifts a clan of Jawa with a long speeder bike, which they crash.
Finally, Djarin and Grogu visit the rocky world of Maldo Kreis. When Grogu is upset that there are no more presents for him, Djarin gifts him a silver ball which cheers Grogu up.