The Jedi Temple, also known as the Takodana Outpost Temple, the Takodana Jedi Temple, or the Takodana Temple, was a Jedi temple and outpost of the Jedi Order on Takodana in the Mid Rim during the High Republic Era. The temple was built on Nymeve Lake, and was headed by Jedi Master Kaktorf until he decided to take a temporary leave of absence from the role in 382 BBY.
By 231 BBY, the Kyuzo Jedi Master Sav Malagán, who had previously been Kaktorf's Padawan, came to oversee the temple. The Padawans of the Star Hopper visited the temple and it was the site of a skirmish with the Nihil in the time following the Republic Fair on Valo, resulting in the destruction of the temple.
- Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi
- Star Wars: Timelines
- Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia
- "Dexter Jettster: Pan-Galactic Besalisk of Mystery" — Star Wars Insider 223