The Naboo Resistance was an anti-Imperial resistance movement operating on the planet Naboo during the Galactic Civil War. It was led by ex-Senator Pooja Naberrie.
The Naboo Resistance was a resistance movement that opposed the rule of the Galactic Empire on the world of Naboo. They were relatively small in number but highly motivated. During the Galactic Civil War, it was allied with the Alliance to Restore the Republic but remained an autonomous movement. Nevertheless, the Rebel Alliance forces in the Chommell sector and the Naboo Resistance worked closely and frequently shared information. The Naboo Rebels were heavily targeted by the Empire.
The Resistance on Naboo emerged from a combination of liberal-minded Naboo and Gungan agitators. The movement was supported by a number of Naboo nobles and aristocrats with some of them, such as Pooja Naberrie and Lim Paddu, were prominent members. Other sympathizers and members of the resistance were found among the Royal Naboo Security Forces, including Captain Rhys Dallows and Officer Turon Adala. The Naboo Resistance also counted dozens of informants and covert operatives all over Naboo.
By the time of the Battle of Yavin, the Naboo Resistance was led by Pooja Naberrie, a former senator of Naboo in the Imperial Senate and nephew of late Queen Padmé Amidala. Her bodyguard Kima Nazith was her most trusted advisor in the Resistance.
In 1 ABY, Imperial High Inquisitor Mal Sikander suspected that Pooja Naberrie could be connected to the Naboo Resistance. This forced the former senator and Kima Nazith to go into hiding for some times in Dee'ja Peak, an isolated city in the Gallo Mountains appreciated by people hostile to the Empire. There, Nazith prevented the attempts of Sikander to localize the senator. Kima Nazith and a group of Rebel Alliance operatives assassinated a Gungan informant named Benbul Leedee who had been captured by the Empire before he could provide information to the Inquisitor. They then eliminated the bounty hunter Hrodius Goragg who had been paid by Inquisitor Sikander to find the senator. Eventually, the Rebel operatives fought and killed the Dark Side Adept Kunn Kuroosh, a presumed Sith sorcerer, who was investigating the presence of rebels in Dee'ja Peak.
In the meantime, ex-Senator Naberrie did not remain inactive. She organized a conclave of Naboo nobles sympathetic to the Resistance in order to convince them to join the rebellion in a more active manner. The meeting was also supported by the Rebel Alliance that sent to Naboo the Bothan Herosk Bal'far, an aide to Mon Mothma and hero of the Rebellion, as a guest of honor; as well as several Rebel operatives to help with the organization. However, the conference was compromised by the Empire even before it started due to a series of unfortunate events. The Rebel pilot Gizda Ramani was shot down the Empire while carrying information about the meeting between the Naboo Resistance and the Rebel Alliance. The Rebel Herosk Bal'far was identified and wanted by Imperial forces upon arriving on Naboo. A servant of the noble Lim Paddu named Jumis was attacked by stormtroopers while carrying clearance codes for the meeting. RSF Officer Turon Adala, who was in charge of the security of the conference, was injured in a firefight with stormtroopers in patrol. Finally, Lim Paddu, the Naboo noble the most devoted to the Resistance, was captured by Imperial troops during a random identity check. Thankfully for Naberrie, the Rebel Alliance operatives were able to successfully rescue all these individuals alive, before the Empire could obtain any information from them. In the end, the conclave finally started, in a secret location near Dee'ja Peak. Although everything seemed to be going well, Senator Naberrie discovered during the meeting that the servant of one of the conference participants, Melloc Fitzal, was in fact a covert agent for the Imperial Security Bureau. However, the man managed to leave the meeting undetected before the Rebels realized he was a spy. The group of Rebel operatives immediately went after the spy but they were too late to prevent him to join a group of storm commando in the Naboo wilderness. During the ensuring fight, the Rebel strike team was able to kill Fitzal and his escort. Finally, the conference ended without further trouble and all participants returned from the meeting safely.
The Naboo Resistance appeared in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.