Raid on a Republic Military warehouse

In 3643 BBY, during the beginning of a crisis involving the Galactic Republic, the reconstituted Sith Empire, and stolen superweapons, the Rodian Vistis Garn led thieves from the Migrant Merchants' Guild crime syndicate raided a Republic Military warehouse on the planet Coruscant. Garn had been hired by the Black Sun crime syndicate to break into the warehouse and led a team of three Rodians, three Ongree, and an Abyssin. Once in the warehouse, the thieves incapacitated the guards and stole a shipment of advanced weaponry. They also hacked the warehouse's systems and stole the design files for the Planet Prison and other Republic superweapons.

However, Garn's face was caught on a security camera as they left, allowing the Strategic Information Service—the Republic's intelligence agency—and the Coruscant Security Force to track the group to the Guild-controlled Old Galactic Market. Agent Galen of the SIS then sent a Jedi Knight to recover the files and weapons from the thieves in a Guild warehouse there.

The raid was mentioned in the Jedi Knight mission "The Jedi Envoy" in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where the event sets up the subsequent mission "Stolen Secrets."

Behind the scenes

The raid was mentioned in the Jedi Knight mission "The Jedi Envoy" in the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, where the event sets up the subsequent mission "Stolen Secrets."



