During the early stages of the Galactic Empire's reign, the Sith apprentice Darth Vader recaptured his new starship on Gattering in the galaxy's Mid Rim after it was stolen by a group of enslavers and held at their base.
After the celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication, Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious transported his Sith apprentice, Darth Vader, to Gattering in the Mid Rim in a Theta-class T-2c shuttle. When they landed, Vader asked why they had come to the world, and Sidious replied that he had high hopes for what Vader and himself could accomplish with the Galactic Empire and informed Vader that he first needed a lightsaber, calling back to their conversation at the celebration event.
Sidious gave Vader the quest of finding a living Jedi so Vader had someone to take a kyber crystal from, and noted that it would be a daunting task given how they had eliminated the Jedi Order. Still, Sidious proclaimed that he had great faith in Vader's resourcefulness and capability. As Vader disembarked, Sidious stated that he had left a ship for Vader's use, but it appeared that it had been stolen by a band of outlaws, and stated that the galaxy cried out for order. Vader left and sought to recapture his starship.
After switching his lenses from standard vision, Vader trekked through the desert and discovered a base. While two enslavers were conversing on their luck in finding the starship, and how wealthy they were going to be, Vader killed a enslaver by Force pushing a slab of the perimeter wall onto them. When the others turned to Vader, he exclaimed that the vessel was his and proceeded to kill the enslavers as they fired upon him. He killed several by launching small pieces of metal at them, which pierced their bodies, although Vader was subsequently shot. As a Pau'an celebrated his shot, Vader used Force push to propel them down a nearby cliff. Vader used the bodies of two dead enslavers as cover while the others continued to fire at him, then launched one of the bodies at a enslaver, killing him. The remaining enslaver ceased, and asked why Vader was there and what he wanted. Vader killed him by using Force choke, while stating that he only wanted that.
After Vader reclaimed his starship, he made his way to Brighthome, a Jedi outpost in the Mid Rim that was occupied by a force of clone stormtroopers to begin his quest. After a pilot contacted Vader and stated that he was in a restricted area, Vader ignored the warnings and continued, despite being informed by his droid that he had the authorization codes for the space station. After Vader destroyed the four ARC-170 starfighters surrounding the station, Vader boarded and killed the troopers inside, except for two who escaped. Vader then accessed the station's databank in search of a possible living Jedi, one who had taken the Barash Vow.
The recapture of Vader's starship was first depicted in the canon 2017 comic Darth Vader (2017) 1, written by Charles Soule and penciled by Giuseppe Camuncoli.
- Star Wars: Build Your Own X-Wing 54
- Star Wars: Timelines