A skirmish broke out aboard a Moraysian cruiser between the Spice Runners of Kijimi and the forces of Ledesmar, a mercenary and former slave of the Pyke Syndicate. After escaping the Pykes, Ledesmar stole a Moraysian cruiser and its complement of droids, and struck out alone, at some point obtaining the helmet of Zeva Bliss, the leader of the Spice Runners. In order to both eliminate Ledesmar as a potential threat and retrieve the helmet, a cell of the Spice Runners led by Tomasso planned a mission. The group, commanded by Vigilch, attacked the cruiser, with Poe Dameron's piloting defeating Ledesmar's automated drones and allowing them to board. Aboard Ledesmar's cruiser, the EV-series droid EV-6B6, unwillingly serving the mercenary, led Spice Runners Zorii Bliss and Poe Dameron into a trap.
While Ledesmar killed Vigilch, Bliss managed to kill the mercenary. However, officer Sela Trune of the New Republic Security Bureau intended to use the Spice Runners' mission against Ledesmar as a trap against the smuggler gang, having received word of the mission from Tomasso, who had become an informant for the New Republic. Five New Republic starships exited hyperspace near the Moraysian cruiser, and Trune boarded the cruiser with a team of officers, cornering Bliss, Dameron, and the freed EV-6B6 as they tried to escape. While Bliss and the droid escaped on a BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighter, Dameron incapacitated Trune, fleeing the cruiser in the gang's freighter, the Ragged Claw, but not before making sure that Trune's officers rescued her. While the damaged cruiser was close to destruction, it managed to survive, and Trune took the Spice Runner Marinda Gan prisoner.