Uneti blossom

Uneti blossoms were a type of pink, pleasantly scented flower that bloomed from uneti trees. During the High Republic Era, Jedi Master Wishan created incense using the blossoms' petals after harvesting them from the Great Tree—a uneti tree in the Core Worlds planet Coruscant's Jedi Temple. Jedi Master Stellan Gios sometimes used the incense while meditating on the starship Coruscant Dawn.

During the Republic Fair on the Outer Rim planet Valo in 231 BBY, several of the flowers from Coruscant's Great Tree were brought to the world and put on display, suspended in a repulsor field. When Jedi Padawan Bell Zettifar began to inquire about the flowers at the fair, Gios confirmed for the former that the blooms displayed were Uneti blossoms. Gios offered to send Zettifar some of Wishan's incense and explained its origins and usefulness, which the Padawan appreciated.

Uneti blossoms appeared in The High Republic: The Rising Storm, a 2021 novel written by Cavan Scott for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.

Behind the scenes

Uneti blossoms appeared in The High Republic: The Rising Storm, a 2021 novel written by Cavan Scott for the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase I.






