Ansen Strung

Ansen Strung, a bounty hunter of the Dowutin male variety, lived during the High Republic Era. During that time, the human Raena Zess employed him to locate her lost kibbin, named Figgles. With assistance from Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay, Strung successfully reunited Zess with her kibbin. Later, after accepting a job from farmer Weebo to find a missing Burowga, he disappeared, causing concern for his younger sister Senna Strung.


A missing pet

Back in 232 BBY, Ansen Strung, a bounty hunter, traveled to the forest planet of Tenoo. His trip was prompted by being hired by the human Raena Zess to recover her missing pet kibbin named Figgles. While searching in the town of Kublop Springs, Strung's actions at the marketplace drew the attention of the Jedi younglings Kai Brightstar, Nubs, and Lys Solay. Brightstar then introduced himself and his companions to Strung. Strung, in turn, introduced himself as a bounty hunter, a term that confused Nubs. Strung clarified that a bounty hunter is someone who gets paid to locate things, frequently people. Strung then told the younglings about his current task, which was to find a kibbin. Recognizing the creature, Solay pulled out a datapad and displayed the Galactic Creature Guide entry for kibbins.

