Argus Tanzer

Argus Tanzer, a young male human, held the position of bureaucrat aboard the Alderaan Flotilla. This flotilla was composed of starships that carried the surviving natives of his homeworld, Alderaan. In 5 ABY, a year of great importance, Tanzer participated in a gathering on the Sunspire, an Alderaanian escort frigate within the flotilla. The discussion centered on the flotilla's future, and during the meeting, he witnessed the New Republic deliver the remnants of the Death Star superweapon to the Alderaanians.


Argus Tanzer was a human male hailing from the planet of Alderaan. He survived the catastrophic destruction of his homeworld caused by the Galactic Empire's Death Star superweapon in 0 BBY. After the loss of his planet, Tanzer became a member of the Alderaan Flotilla. This flotilla consisted of starships carrying Alderaanians who had survived, initially established by Princess Leia Organa and the Rebel pilot Evaan Verlaine.

In 5 ABY, Tanzer served as a bureaucrat within the flotilla, which was located amidst the remains of Alderaan in the Alderaan system. He attended a meeting, held with Regent Administrator Eglyn Valmor aboard the Alderaanian frigate Sunspire, where they and other prominent members of the flotilla deliberated on their people's destiny. Valmor expressed a desire to remain in the Alderaan system, while others, such as the former teacher Icar Orliss and the diplomat Janis Pol, advocated for the surviving Alderaanians to resettle on a new world. When Orliss presented a list of potential planets, Tanzer countered, stating that resettling was not as simple as choosing from a list, as they would need to adhere to the New Republic's procedures, even though he conceded that the exact nature of those procedures was unknown.

The debate continued until reports of large approaching vessels interrupted the meeting. Tanzer and the others were surprised to witness New Republic ships transporting the remains of the Death Star toward the flotilla. Teven Gale, another member of the flotilla, revealed that he had collaborated with Organa and Verlaine to secure the wreckage for the flotilla as a resource. Valmor and Gale then proposed constructing a new space station from the superweapon's remnants, although Orliss remained steadfast in his desire for resettlement elsewhere.

Personality and traits

In 5 ABY, Tanzer was a young man, possessing a natural handsomeness that did not require effort. During the meeting, he used hand gestures, raising his finger to emphasize his points. He smirked upon comprehending the nature of the Death Star wreckage.

Behind the scenes

Argus Tanzer made his debut in the 2016 novel Aftermath: Life Debt, penned by Chuck Wendig.

