Assassination attempt on Wedge Antilles

The leaders of the Five Worlds determined that Wedge Antilles must be eliminated, and subsequently replaced him with Admiral Genna Delpin.


Following a meeting with Jacen Solo aboard the Anakin Solo in 40 ABY, Wedge Antilles journeyed back to Corellia, the seat of the Five Worlds, to relay the details of his discussion with Jacen. He strongly advised that they should seek an agreement with the Galactic Alliance, arguing that victory in the war was otherwise unattainable. Beyond merely suggesting a deal, he voiced his disapproval of the assassination attempt on Tenel Ka and asserted that the fleet's deployment would have been more effectively used to defend against the Blockade of Corellia, rather than engaging in the Battle of Hapes.

Subsequently, Dur Gejjen relieved Antilles of his command and installed Admiral Genna Delpin, the commander of the Corellian forces at Hapes, who did not share Antilles' ethical reservations. Antilles then tendered his resignation, but agreed to make a public appearance to formally transfer his authority to Delpin before the Corellian populace.

After the conclusion of the public ceremony, Gejjen escorted Antilles off the stage, where they were met by two bodyguards: an officer from the Corellian Security Force and a YVH-Series battle droid. Antilles excused himself to a refresher, where his wife had concealed a package containing: apparel, a jacket adorned with an image of Centerpoint Station on its back, a sun visor, and a DH-17 blaster pistol. Having donned the provided equipment, Antilles exited through a discreet side entrance to avoid detection.

Iella monitored Antilles' progress as he proceeded down the street, and upon noticing that he was being tailed, she transmitted three clicks to his comlink. Shortly after, Iella instructed him to take cover, and a blaster rifle projectile whizzed past his head, impacting a nearby speeder. Antilles rolled onto his back and into the flow of traffic, where he observed an orange airspeeder descending towards him.

The shot could not have originated from the airspeeder, due to its altitude, but two individuals on the ground were clad in traveling robes. These robes bore a striking resemblance to Jedi robes. Antilles opened fire on one of the figures, who was holding a silver cylinder, apparently an unignited lightsaber, and fatally wounded him with a shot to the groin. The other "Jedi" re-aimed at Antilles, but a man with a red beard and green jumpsuit, Corran Horn, leaped from the orange speeder. Horn successfully neutralized the "Jedi" sniper, and Antilles quickly boarded the airspeeder to find his daughter, Myri, at the controls.


Myri flew the airspeeder to Rental Bay 601208 within the Elmas private spaceport. The Coronet news outlets exploited the event as propaganda, reporting that Jedi had assaulted unarmed Corellian civilians. An eyewitness account also claimed that two random individuals had defeated the Jedi, implying that Jedi were not particularly difficult to overcome.

