Baiuntu was a male Ansionian from the planet Ansion and a somewhat unconventional member of the Alwari tribe. Serving as the head merchant for a Qulun clan, his life took a turn in 22 BBY. It was then that he orchestrated the capture of Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with their respective Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee, as well as their Ansionian guides Kyakhta and Bulgan, by drugging them. His life met its end when he was killed by a shanh pack during a skirmish that occurred within the confines of the Qulun camp.
On the planet of Ansion, Baiuntu was an overweight male Ansonian belonging to the Alwari tribes. His role was that of the principal trader for a specific Qulun clan. During the events of 22 BBY, Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi, accompanied by their Padawans Anakin Skywalker and Barriss Offee, alongside several local companions, encountered a Qulun patrol under Baiuntu's command. This meeting happened while the Jedi were searching for the Borokii, who were the ruling Alwari overclan. The Qulun, always open to company, received an invitation from Baiuntu to visit their camp for a meal, which the Jedi accepted.
After a tour of the camp, the Jedi and their associates were ushered into a sizable, mobile "trade room." Here, they were encouraged to sample various goods offered by the Qulun. Following this, they were entertained by lightwick sculptures and dance pixies, after which the Jedi and Baiuntu engaged in a discussion about politics. Baiuntu expressed his view that the Qulun had reaped benefits from Ansion's participation in the Galactic Republic. Subsequently, he extended an invitation to the group to try several intoxicating essences, including Paluruvu. This substance contained a potent sedative that caused the Jedi and their companions to lose consciousness, along with Baiuntu himself, who willingly inhaled the essence. Baiuntu later confessed that this drugging was motivated by the bossban Soergg's promise of a substantial reward for anyone who could impede the group's return to Cuipernam. However, Tooqui facilitated the escape of the Jedi and their companions (through a lorqual stampede) before a skirmish broke out in the Qulun camp.
In his attempt to pursue the Jedi, Baiuntu met his end when he was attacked and killed by a pack of rabidly agitated shanh shortly after.
In contrast to many Ansionians, Baiuntu made the choice to shave off his mane. Despite being overweight, he was still capable of riding a sadain, although the creature struggled somewhat under his weight. Baiuntu also saw himself as more cultured and refined compared to most members of the Qulun clan.
Baiuntu's initial appearance was in the 2002 novel titled The Approaching Storm, authored by Alan Dean Foster. Later, he was featured in an entry within The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, which was written by Stephen J. Sansweet and Pablo Hidalgo, and released on December 8, 2008.