Bane Malar

Bane Malar, a male bounty hunter by trade, specialized in the pursuit of escapees from the Spice Mines of Kessel. Gifted with natural telepathy, Malar would ingest glitterstim to amplify his inherent abilities, granting him the power to infiltrate the minds of his quarry. During Eightyem's tenure as Jabba Desilijic Tiure's protocol droid in 4 ABY, Malar was present within Jabba's Palace.


The Silvan Kaan affair

In 4 ABY, Bane Malar found himself within the walls of Jabba the Hutt's palace when the crime lord received a visit from Silvan Kaan, a Twi'lek criminal. Suspicion arose in Malar regarding Kaan and Jabba's translator droid, Eightyem, whom Kaan had successfully recruited as an accomplice. The bounty hunter pulled Eightyem aside and, instructing the droid to speak truthfully, questioned him regarding his actions. Despite Malar's pointed accusations, the interpreter feigned ignorance, leading the bounty hunter to concede his own uncertainty about the precise nature of the offenses committed. Malar then warned Eightyem that he would uncover the truth. Eightyem relayed these events to Kaan, but the Twi'lek remained unworried.

Later, Malar intervened to thwart an assassination attempt on Jabba's life by Charn Roondha, an Ithorian responsible for collecting taxes on behalf of the Hutt. The bounty hunter restrained the would-be assassin with his own weapon, a WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, noting that Roondha was likely unauthorized to possess such a weapon. This was confirmed by Jabba's aide, Bib Fortuna. The weapon had, in fact, been smuggled in by Eightyem at Kaan's request.

Apprehending Kaan

Malar accompanied Jabba's entourage aboard the Hutt's sail barge, the Khetanna, to the Great Pit of Carkoon in the Dune Sea, where Roondha was sacrificed to the sarlacc residing there. The bounty hunter commented on the Ithorian's demise and issued a thinly veiled threat to Kaan, suggesting he might join the tax collector in the sarlacc's digestive system for a millennium. Malar then bid Kaan to enjoy the festivities and departed.

At a later time within Jabba's Palace, Malar caught Kaan by surprise as he was removing Eightyem's restraining bolt, aiming his sniper rifle directly at the Twi'lek. The bounty hunter proposed that the criminal consider a return journey to the Great Pit of Carkoon, presenting him with holographic evidence of Eightyem's wrongdoings. Kaan was subsequently brought before Jabba, who indeed sentenced him to the sarlacc for his acts of deceit. Eightyem, in turn, was condemned to disintegration on supervisor droid EV-9D9's torture rack for his own betrayal.

Hunting a reprobate

On Jabba's orders, Malar tracked down the rogue Rik Duel. Duel successfully convinced Malar that his value was greater alive than dead, which resulted in Duel's appointment as Jabba's "top lieutenant."

Personality and traits

Bane Malar, a male bounty hunter, was an ally of Jabba the Hutt.

Skills and abilities

Bane Malar's profession was that of a bounty hunter and tracker. Using his sniper rifle, Malar successfully disrupted Roondha's assassination attempt targeting Jabba the Hutt. The bounty hunter possessed confidence in his ability to outwit the droid Eightyem.

