The Bantha-II cargo skiff, alternatively referred to as the Bantha class skiff, the desert skiff, or the sand skiff, represented a model of skiff that was produced by Ubrikkian Industries.

The Bantha-II cargo skiff, which had a length of 9.5 meters, was a swift repulsorlift skiff model. While possessing light armor, their robust construction rendered them a suitable choice for the harsh desert environments and ideal transports for individuals, goods, or slaves. Bantha-IIs, characterized by their extended deck, were essentially floating platforms, readily identified by their rust-colored appearance, reinforced prows designed for frontal impacts, and sporadic safety railings intended to safeguard passengers or cargo along the edges. Operated from a control station at the rear, designed for a solitary pilot, they could attain peak speeds exceeding 250 kilometers per hour. Furthermore, Bantha-IIs were outfitted with planks.
The Bantha-II cargo skiff, a product of Ubrikkian Industries, was widespread beyond the territories of the Galactic Republic, and subsequently the Galactic Empire, finding usage among entities such as the Hutt Clan and the Zygerrian Slave Empire. Jabba Desilijic Tiure, a Hutt crime lord, employed a number of these resilient skiffs, modified to withstand the intense heat and sandstorms prevalent in the Tatooine deserts.

During the Galactic Civil War, the Alliance to Restore the Republic equipped Bantha-IIs with weaponry specifically engineered to counter more heavily armed Imperial vehicles. These altered skiffs gained recognition as Anti-Vehicle Skiffs. In the company of Jabba aboard his sail barge, the Khetanna, Jabba deployed two Bantha-IIs during his attempt to execute Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and his allies at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Nevertheless, the prisoners successfully eliminated Jabba and utilized one of the skiffs to flee the destruction of the Khetanna.