
Barabo was a Jedi Master existing during the High Republic Era. The wall sculpture was found by Jedi Initiates Lys Solay, Kai Brightstar, and Nubs, with Solay pointing out that the Jedi depicted was a Pooba, mirroring Nubs' species.


The Pooba's heroic act depicted on a wall

Sometime during or before the High Republic Era, Barabo came to a town facing a dangerous creature. The Jedi successfully repelled the beast, thus saving the town's inhabitants. To commemorate this act, a wall sculpture was constructed to honor the Pooba, along with other Jedi. A carving of Barabo holding their lightsaber was placed on the wall, positioned above three smaller images illustrating the Jedi's rescue of the town. The Jedi's lightsaber was then stored in a concealed chamber located behind the wall sculpture.

In approximately 232 BBY, the wall sculptures were discovered by three Jedi Initiates: the human Kai Brightstar, the Pantoran Lys Solay, and the Pooba Nubs. Solay observed that the depicted Jedi shared Nubs' species, being a Pooba. As Brightstar recounted the story shown on the wall, Nubs leaned against it, triggering a hidden door that led the Younglings into a small room. Inside, Barabo's lightsaber was displayed on an altar. Nubs picked up the lightsaber, prompting Brightstar to suggest consulting with Grand Master Yoda about it.

Behind the scenes

Barabo's initial appearance was in "Nubs's Big Mistake," which is the first segment of the second season's fourth episode of Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, an animated television series; it was broadcast on August 14, 2024. Barabo was also referenced in a short video titled "Nubs' Discovery," which was posted on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on August 5, 2024.

