Berk was a human of male sex. He served as one of Arane Oreida's partisans, a Zabrak, during a mission taking place on the planet of Inusagi. Following orders, he made contact with Jyn Erso and spoke the password "cloud" to obtain his false identification, which gave him access to the chieftess's palace. Inside, he used an FC-1 flechette launcher with his fellow partisans to devastate the palace ballroom, resulting in the deaths of both Inusagians and members of the Imperials. He was later employed by Saw Gerrera with the task of locating Erso to ensure her well-being in the aftermath of an incident that occurred on Tamsye Prime. Berk was told to remain hidden, and he eventually located Erso on Skuhl; however, she identified him and questioned him. Berk then revealed the reason for his pursuit.
Some years later, Erso encountered him again on Wobani, where he, similar to her, was being held as a prisoner by the Galactic Empire. An Imperial admiral present there executed him by shooting him, with the intention of frightening the other inmates.