Bonshyyyr was a type of tree that was native to the Mid Rim Territories forests of the planet Kashyyyk. This tree species thrived in Kashyyyk's mountainous regions, including the areas where the Galactic Empire's Imperial Refinery was situated, a large facility used for collecting sap from wroshyr trees. Bonshyyyr trees were characterized by their green foliage.
In 14 BBY, the crew of the luxury yacht Stinger Mantis embarked on a mission with the goal of rebuilding the Jedi Order. As part of this endeavor, Cal Kestis, a Jedi Padawan and member of the crew, infiltrated the Imperial Refinery located on Kashyyyk. While inside the refinery, Kestis obtained a Bonshyyyr seed. Upon returning to the Mantis, he planted the seed in the terrarium of his companion, Greez Dritus, which was located on the ship. This seed was just one of several that Kestis had gathered as a way to thank Dritus for the assistance he provided during the Mantis crew's mission.
The Bonshyyyr tree made its debut in the video game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, which was released in 2019 and developed by Respawn Entertainment.