C2-N2, alternatively referred to as Seetoo Enntoo, functioned as a Hollis-series steward droid, manufactured by Automata Galactica. He was the property of the Jedi Knight celebrated as the Hero of Tython. Stationed aboard the Hero's Defender-class light corvette starting in 3643 BBY, C2-N2's duties encompassed the upkeep of the starship and ensuring the well-being of the Jedi's crew. He diligently served on the Defender-class corvette for numerous subsequent years, attending to the needs of both the Jedi and the ship's personnel as they participated in the Galactic War fought between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
C2-N2, also known as Seetoo Enntoo, was a Hollis-series steward droid, a service droid of third-degree classification, brought into existence by Automata Galactica. In the year 3643 BBY, C2-N2 received assignment to a Defender-class light corvette that General Var Suthra of the Republic Military had requisitioned. C2-N2, along with the vessel, were delivered to Docking Bay 74 at the Coruscant Spaceport located on Coruscant, the capital planet of the Galactic Republic. There, he greeted the starship's new owner—a youthful Jedi Knight entrusted with the mission of thwarting the Sith Lord Darth Angral's endeavors to obliterate the Republic using purloined superweapons. The droid then elucidated his function as steward of the Jedi's new ship and conducted the Knight on a comprehensive tour of the vessel. For the subsequent two years, Seetoo persisted in his role as the ship's steward as the Knight, who gained recognition as the Hero of Tython, rendered service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic amidst the renewed conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.
He routinely implemented modifications to the ship's systems and amenities, such as augmenting the seat cushions with additional padding, reconfiguring the corvette's food synthesizer, configuring the air circulation system to emulate the fragrance of Alderaanian nectar or other agreeable scents, and tidying up the crew's living quarters. He frequently became the target of jesting between the astromech droid T7-O1 and the Knight's Padawan, Kira Carsen. The droid also made certain that the other members of the Hero's crew—Archiban Kimble, Lord Scourge, and Sergeant Fideltin Rusk—enjoyed comfortable conditions aboard the starship.
Sporting golden plating, yellow photoreceptors, and masculine programming, C2-N2 possessed a vast repository of knowledge spanning diverse fields, encompassing engineering, nutrition, and technical maintenance. Seetoo also demonstrated proficiency in modifying various technologies, conducting long-range surveillance, diplomacy, performing custodial tasks, and executing a multitude of other duties. He took great pride in his meticulous attention to detail, and his core programming centered around ensuring his master's comfort and maintaining the vessel to which he was assigned.
The C2-N2 character serving the Hero of Tython fulfills the role of steward aboard the Defender-class light corvette associated with the Jedi Knight class within Star Wars: The Old Republic, a video game that BioWare and LucasArts launched in 2011. The Knight's interactions with the droid are limited to the initial conversation following the acquisition of their ship and occasional ambient dialogue. However, they retain the ability to dispatch C2-N2 on crew skill missions aimed at resource acquisition or item construction.