
A soldier named Camur served the Republic Army in 3640 BBY, a year marked by the intense Galactic War. This conflict pitted the Galactic Republic against the reconstituted Sith Empire. He was a member of Sergeant Shanra Immel's squad, operating under the command of Republic Special Forces Division Colonel Jace Malcom during a battle that took place on Kalandis Seven, a planet situated in the Inner Rim. Camur and his squad received the assignment to eliminate the local spaceport, and after arriving at the designated spaceport, they successfully completed their objective.


During the Galactic War of 3640 BBY between the Galactic Republic and the [resurgent Sith Empire](/article/sith_empire_(post%e2%80%93great_hyperspace_war), Camur functioned as a soldier within the Republic Army. He fought alongside SpecForce Colonel Jace Malcom and was part of Sergeant Shanra Immel's squad during a battle on the remote planet of Kalandis Seven in the Inner Rim. The squad was given the task of destroying the Sith–controlled spaceport located there. As they made their way to the spaceport, they were ambushed, and Corporal Amden vor Keioidian, a comrade in Camur's squad, suffered fatal injuries. Before leaving Keioidian behind, Immel, Camur's sergeant, activated his med tracer.

After three hours, Camur and his squad reached their target and reported in with Immel before proceeding with their mission. While Camur and his squad began positioning targeting beacons, which would enable their starfighters to obliterate the spaceport despite the heavy fog, Malcom attempted to seize the recently landed Sith Planetary command ship. Shortly thereafter, Malcom's attempt to capture the command ship failed, but the spaceport was successfully destroyed by Republic fighters.

Personality and traits

Camur had an allergy to caf.

Behind the scenes

Camur's voice was featured in "The Last Battle of Colonel Jace Malcom," a short story by Alexander Freed. It appeared in Star Wars Insider 137 and was released on October 23, 2012.

