Capin Harinar

Capin Harinar was a major and materials analyst within the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service, a division of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. This male human served in this capacity in the time leading up to the pivotal Battle of Yavin.


During the Galactic Civil War, Capin Harinar, a male human, became a member of the Alliance to Restore the Republic in their fight against the Galactic Empire. He held the rank of major and served under General Davits Draven in the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service. As a materials analyst, Major Harinar contributed to the planning of strategies against the Empire by studying captured Imperial tech to understand the enemy's strengths. Airen Cracken tasked him with devising potential configurations for a kyber crystal powered superweapon. He and his team concluded that the Empire might attempt to upscale the Operation: Cinder weapon by leveraging Project Celestial Power technology.

Personality and traits

Major Capin Harinar was a light-skinned human male, characterized by dark eyes and a thick, bushy beard of dark hair that aged to white. Within the Alliance, Harinar typically wore a simple tan shirt beneath a white overcoat, reminiscent of the tactician's overcoat worn as an Alderaanian tradition by General Jan Dodonna. In his role as a materials analyst, Harinar dedicated his time to analyzing Imperial technology to evaluate the Empire's capabilities and to develop countermeasures in collaboration with members of Alliance High Command. Mon Mothma was informed by Airen Cracken that Harinar possessed exceptional skills in reverse-engineering captured Imperial technology.

