
FernUnclaimsies-WereGonnaBeInSoMuchTrouble Fern utilizes unclaimsies to assert her ownership of the Onyx Cinder. On the remote planet of At Attin, claimsies and unclaimsies functioned as a method for claiming ownership. The act of declaring claimsies allowed an individual to assert ownership over something, thereby becoming its rightful owner. Conversely, uttering unclaimsies could nullify a prior claim, rendering it invalid if declared in the presence of the original claimer. The declaration of unclaimsies resulted in the entity becoming unowned until claimsies was invoked once more.

During the New Republic Era, a dispute erupted between the boys Wim and Neel and the girls Fern and KB regarding the ownership of the Onyx Cinder, a derelict starship discovered by the younglings in the woods. Fern established herself as the rightful owner through an unclaimsies declaration. Her ownership was later affirmed when the pirate droid SM-33 recognized her as the captain of the vessel. Following their unintentional departure from their homeworld, the younglings' ship was intercepted by a pirate crew. When Captain Silvo claimed the Onyx Cinder, Fern invoked unclaimsies to reclaim her position. According to SM-33, Fern's unclaimsies was sufficiently aligned with the Pirate's Code for him to acknowledge her as the legitimate captain.

Defining Characteristics

Claimsies and unclaimsies, also sometimes written as un-claimsies, served as an appropriation process on the planet of At Attin, a secluded Jewel of the Old Republic that housed Old Republic credit mints. Individuals who declared claimsies were known as claimers. According to the youngling Wim, the presence of the original claimer was essential for unclaimsies to be valid, a belief shared by the youngling Fern despite her prior disregard for this rule. After the unclaimsies procedure, the new claimer was not required to have personally declared claimsies or unclaimsies and could instead join the process as a previously uninvolved third party. Furthermore, the claimer who had gained ownership had the right to extend their ownership to others and to exclude individuals of a specific gender or social group from the newly acquired property.

The application of unclaimsies sparked debate in relation to the Pirate's Code. The pirate Captain [Silvo](/article/jod_na_nawood] argued that declaring unclaimsies could not strip him of his ownership of the Onyx Cinder, which he had previously claimed. However, the pirate droid SM-33 disagreed, recognizing Fern as the new captain and considering her unclaimsies to be sufficiently in accordance with the provisions of the Pirate's Code.

Historical Context

Claimsies Face-Off in the Forest

A claimsies controversy over the ship buried in the woods

Around 9 ABY, Wim, a human youngling from At Attin, discovered a starship concealed within the woods. Wim, a boy with a vivid imagination, imagined his discovery to be an abandoned Jedi temple. He and his friend Neel went to the site to explore the interior of the vessel, only to find that two human girls, Fern and KB, were already there waiting by the entry hatch. The girls insisted that the discovery belonged to them, explaining their intention to dismantle it for parts. Wim countered by asserting his claim to the find, stating that he had claimed it first. Fern then revealed that she had declared unclaimsies and claimed the ship for herself and KB. Wim argued that unclaimsies could only be declared in the presence of the original claimer, a fact he believed was universally acknowledged on their planet. Fern, acknowledging Wim's point, quickly declared unclaimsies again, silently instructing KB to declare claimsies immediately to beat Wim to it. Neel, who generally sided with Wim, conceded that the girls' claimsies met the formal requirements. Now in possession of the ship, Fern initially declared "no boys allowed" before suggesting that they could join them as employees to uncover and open the hatch, an offer Wim initially rejected. However, as he dug through the soil, he revealed a new plan to Neel. Assuming that Fern's claimsies only applied to the exterior, the human boy believed he would have the right to declare claimsies to the interior if he entered it first, just as Fern had promised him if he did the digging. Neel praised the plan as ingenious, and the boys continued to dig. The girls, in turn, watched the boys' efforts from a distance. Although not questioning Fern's claim to the find, KB observed that her friend did not need to be so unkind, given that Wim and Neel had indeed discovered the ship first.

A Misadventure in Space

The Skeleton Crew younglings joined forces with Jod Na Nawood.

Shortly after boarding, the four younglings activated the ship and found themselves adrift in space after accidentally departing from their homeworld. Unbeknownst to them, the ship was actually the Onyx Cinder, previously owned by the notorious pirate Tak Rennod. The children—who became known as the Skeleton Crew—reactivated Rennod's droid SM-33. Well-versed in the Pirate's Code, SM-33 pledged its loyalty to Fern, recognizing her as its new captain after being tricked into believing she had killed the previous one. Misinterpreting the children's plea for help, SM-33 transported the crew to the asteroid Borgo Prime, where the minors encountered Brutus's pirates. After being imprisoned, the young wanderers allied with Captain Silvo, a mutinied pirate, who became interested in the alleged home planet of his fellow inmates. However, after successfully establishing the coordinates to At Attin, Silvo betrayed the Skeleton Crew. By challenging Fern under the Pirate's Code, he seized the position of captain. Before SM-33 could arrest the children on his orders, the Skeleton Crew fled and returned to the Onyx Cinder, determined to reach their homeworld despite Silvo's betrayal. Silvo, in turn, was apprehended by his former crew. Although sentenced to death, the convict managed to outwit the crew captain by shooting him dead, an act that helped him regain his crew's loyalty and establish him as the captain of their pirate frigate.

Claimsies in Opposition to the Pirate's Code

Jod took control of the ship by force.

It wasn't long before Silvo and the Skeleton Crew crossed paths once more. With the Onyx Cinder pulled aboard his frigate over At Attin, Silvo had the younglings arrested. Believing the ship rightfully belonged to them, Wim launched a spontaneous attack on Silvo's crew members, with his companions following suit. As a scuffle erupted between the younglings and the pirates, Silvo calmed his crew, ordering that the minors be taken hostage and chained up. As they were about to be led away, Wim insisted that the ship belonged to him and his friends, as they had discovered it first. Silvo dismissed this, simply stating that it was now his, only to be corrected by SM-33. According to the droid, the Pirate's Code stipulated that a captain could only claim one vessel at a time. Therefore, since Silvo commanded the pirate frigate, he could not simultaneously be in charge of the Onyx Cinder. Seeing an opportunity in this legal conflict, Wim attempted to declare claimsies, a declaration he never completed after Silvo grabbed him and covered his mouth, claiming the ship for himself instead. While initially accepting Silvo as the new captain, SM-33 hesitated when Fern stepped forward to declare unclaimsies, claiming the ship for the kids only and ordering SM-33 to remove all the pirates. Confused by the situation, Silvo protested that it didn't work that way, only to be unexpectedly knocked unconscious by SM-33. Having processed the Pirate's Code procedures, the droid agreed with Silvo that it didn't work that way; however, claimsies was "close enough" to the Pirate's Code for it to accept it. Therefore, it removed the pirates, as requested. Unbeknownst to the children, Silvo had managed to get back aboard before takeoff. On their way to At Attin, the pirate destroyed SM-33 by severing its head. Without the droid's protection, the Skeleton Crew was taken hostage from that moment on.

Behind the Curtain

Claimsies and unclaimsies, which do not exist outside the Star Wars universe, made their debut in the pilot episode of the Star Wars: Skeleton Crew live-action series, "This Could Be a Real Adventure," which premiered on December 2, 2024. Christopher Ford revealed on January 23, 2025, that the procedure was initially created solely for the pilot episode and was later incorporated as a "Pirate Code" element. Ford also admitted that claimsies was his own idea and that it was the humorous line he was most proud of.

