
Coarseweave was a material employed in the creation of clothing. Mace Windu, a Jedi Master, frequently donned a tunic of brownish gold hue crafted from coarseweave.


Coarseweave represented a specific kind of material suitable for manufacturing clothing within the galaxy.


Mace Windu wearing a coarseweave tunic

As early as 32 BBY, the Jedi Master known as Mace Windu was observed wearing a coarseweave tunic of brownish gold. Windu continued to wear this tunic during his tenure on the Jedi High Council, notably during the First Battle of Geonosis which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars. Windu was wearing this same tunic during his attempted apprehension of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in 19 BBY.

During 3 ABY, Jonkah Rremset, a Mon Calamari merchant, offered a unit of coarseweave for sale at a price of sixty-five credits within Mirogana, the primary city serving as the capital of the moon Toshara. In the same year, Simrain Kanda, a human merchant, conducted sales of coarseweave from their establishment situated in the Wonto District market of Mos Eisley on the planet Tatooine.

In 3 ABY, the scoundrel named Kay Vess incorporated coarseweave into an armored undergarment and to enhance her footwear. She also used it to improve the pouches she used to store bacta vials and grenades. Vess was able to sell coarseweave during this time for twenty six credits.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of coarseweave, though not specifically identified, occurred in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was released in 1999. Its formal identification took place later in the 2016 reference publication titled Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded.

Within the 2024 video game Star Wars Outlaws, it functions as a material to unlock various expert abilities such as the "armored undershirt" which increases the players health and "Scavenger's Footwear" which allowed the player to move faster while crouched.

