COMPNOR Regiment

A COMPNOR Regiment represented an infantry assault unit. While typically connected to the Imperial Army, operational control resided with the COMPNOR organization itself.


Within the Assault branch of CompForce, the most overtly militaristic arm of COMPNOR, the COMPNOR Regiment was a typical formation. Three such regiments comprised the Auxiliary battlegroup attached to each Corps within the Imperial Army. However, independent deployments were also possible, exemplified by the occupying force stationed on Sedesia.

Structurally, the COMPNOR Regiment mirrored a standard line regiment of the Imperial Army. This meant it contained three infantry battalions of the conventional type: two standard line battalions and one assault battalion augmented with additional heavy weaponry. In addition, it included a vehicle-mounted battalion where a smaller infantry force utilized repulsorcraft, and a speeder bikes troop provided reconnaissance capabilities. Should repulsor technology prove unsuitable for the environment, this battalion could be refitted with vehicles like hoverscouts and wheelbikes. However, the wheelbikes may not be of the same type, and the riders would not necessarily be formally trained to use the new vehicles.

A notable organizational divergence was the omission of the security platoons typically found at battalion and regimental headquarters in the Imperial Army. CompForce leadership deemed these platoons superfluous in a well-disciplined and loyal unit, a viewpoint that rankled senior officers in the regular army. Consequently, a COMPNOR Regiment consisted of 3,380 personnel, whereas its Imperial Army equivalent comprised 3,530 personnel.

