Coora was a cadet serving in the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the era of the Galactic Civil War. She achieved the rank of ensign by 5 ABY, having been promoted by Colonel Soran Keize, the commanding officer of the 204th. Following her promotion, she was stationed on the bridge of the fighter wing's flagship, a bulk freighter known as the Yadeez.
In that year, the 204th aimed to wipe out all life on the planet Fedovoi End as retribution for the Yomo Council residing there choosing to sever ties with the Empire. After Keize announced his plans to the planet, Coora leaned intently over her tactical console, an action that led Keize to believe she was attempting to conceal her nervousness. Once the attack was authorized by the colonel, the bridge crew began sending inquiries and relaying commands, and the 204th commenced shattering portions of Fedovoi End's polar ice caps, releasing gas pockets and gradually poisoning the atmosphere and inhabitants of the planet.
Coora made an appearance in Victory's Price, a novel from 2021 that concluded the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy, authored by Alexander Freed.