The Coruscant blockade was a fleet enacting a blockade controlled by the Imperial Security Bureau. It was deployed by the Galactic Empire near the end of the Galactic Civil War to protect Coruscant, the Empire's capital planet. While most of the Imperial Navy was positioned at Jakku alongside other pro-Imperial units, the Coruscant blockade was tasked with shielding the star system from the New Republic's assaults. This defensive force was comprised of numerous Imperial starships, notably the Panaka, along with their associated TIE fighters and the commanders directing the blockade's operations. This blockade engaged Colonel Soran Keize from the 204th Imperial Fighter Wing and Lieutenant Yrica Quell of the New Republic while they were involved in the attack on Coruscant's Verity District.
Simultaneously, Imperial forces were engaged in a civil war occurring on the planet's surface. ISB patrol craft, starships, and TIE/sk striker squadrons were used to reinforce the Imperial military presence on the capital world.