Darth Voren

Voren Renstaal, who would become known as Darth Voren, was a Human male who served as a Sith apprentice within Darth Revan's Sith Empire. Initially, Renstaal was a member of the Jedi Order, and he took part in the Mandalorian Wars alongside the Revanchists. This conflict began in 3976 BBY with the Mandalorian Neo–Crusaders launching an invasion of the Outer Rim Territories.

After the Mandalorian Wars ended in 3960 BBY, the Revanchists reorganized themselves into Revan's Sith Empire. Renstaal embraced the Sith ways, becoming an apprentice and adopting the title "Darth," thus becoming Darth Voren. The Empire then initiated an invasion against the Galactic Republic, and Voren was assigned to serve on board Revan's flagship. In 3957 BBY, the Galactic Republic attacked the ship, and Voren found himself facing a Republic strike team in the ship's Security Command center.


Voren Renstaal, a Human male, came into existence during the era of the Galactic Republic. He became a part of the Jedi Order and underwent Jedi training on the planet Ossus, where he was instructed by a Jedi Master. In 3976 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo–Crusaders commenced their attacks on worlds located in the Outer Rim Territories, thereby triggering the Mandalorian Wars. Renstaal fought alongside his Master in the early stages of the war, until his Master met his demise during the First Battle of Onderon. Subsequently, Renstaal joined the Revanchists, a dissident group of Jedi led by the Jedi Knight Revan, and participated in the Mandalorian Wars in opposition to the wishes of the Jedi High Council. Following the defeat of the Mandalorians in 3960 BBY, the Revanchists journeyed to the Unknown Regions, with Renstaal among them. It was there that the Revanchists embraced the doctrines of the Sith and transformed into Darth Revan's Sith Empire. Renstaal assumed the Sith title of "Darth," renaming himself "Darth Voren." He became a Sith apprentice, training under a Sith Knight who answered directly to the newly-named "Darth" Revan.

The Sith Empire launched an invasion against the Republic, and during this conflict, Voren was assigned to serve aboard Revan's flagship, where he assisted in overseeing the ship's security personnel. In 3957 BBY, Voren was present on the flagship when it was attacked by Republic forces, who sought to capture Darth Revan. During the assault, a team of Republic operatives was dispatched to the ship's Security Command, or "SecCom," center, with the intention of ordering all of the ship's security teams to relocate to the aft section of the flagship. This would allow a team of Jedi to proceed to the bridge and apprehend Revan. The strike team consisted of the Jedi Knights Aldren Dayos and Anyara; the scout Haden Vazzar; the soldier Kagen Brendel; the spy Mara Davos; and the intelligence officer Samar.

Upon reaching the Security Command center, the Republic squad discovered Voren standing in the center of the room, accompanied by fifteen Sith troopers and several Sith Marauders, all under his command. The Sith troopers initiated an attack on the strike team, while Voren and the Sith Marauders activated their lightsabers and deflected incoming blaster fire. Ultimately, the Republic team managed to acquire the necessary codes to access the SecCom computer system, which they used to instruct the Sith security teams to move to the aft section of the ship, leading to Revan's capture.

Personality and traits

Voren possessed ambition and desired to swiftly advance within the Sith Empire. To accomplish this, he dedicated himself to completing his Sith training and contemplated eliminating at least one of his superiors to accelerate his advancement. He typically wore dark robes and a plain black faceplate that concealed his facial features. He also carried a lightsaber, which he had personally constructed.

Powers and abilities

Voren had knowledge of how to use the Force to move objects, influence the thoughts of others, and generate a field of energy resistance around himself. He also possessed the ability to manipulate the dark side of the Force, employing Force lightning and Force Slow to directly attack others, or to utilize Force rage to amplify his other powers. Voren was fluent in two languages, being able to converse in both Basic and the Sith language.

Behind the scenes

Darth Voren was a creation of Patrick Stutzman in The Betrayal of Darth Revan, a supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game that was published in 2008. Within the supplement, players assume the roles of the Republic agents who encounter Voren, and their interaction with him can unfold in various ways, contingent upon the actions taken by the player characters. Should the players eliminate more than half of the Sith troopers within the SecCom center, Voren and the Sith Marauders will directly engage the player characters, fighting until their death rather than surrendering.

Players have the option to converse with Voren and attempt to extract the code for the SecCom computer system from him, either through interrogation or by persuading him that assisting them is in his best interest. If they reveal that their mission is to capture Darth Revan, Voren becomes more inclined to assist them, as he believes that Revan's removal would facilitate his own rise within the Sith hierarchy. However, if either of the Jedi player characters remains conscious, Voren will not willingly cooperate and remains hostile. If the players succeed in gaining Voren's favor, he inputs the code into the computer system and instructs the security teams to move aft. Nevertheless, if the player characters subsequently decide to alter the ship's systems, such as by disabling the weapons or lowering the shields, Voren will revert to being hostile towards them. Upon the players' departure from the SecCom center, if Voren is still assisting them, he remains behind to ensure that the Sith security teams remain away from the flagship's bridge. If the players fail to obtain the code from Voren, they can acquire it by interrogating any surviving Sith troopers.

