Denta bean bun

Denta bean buns were a type of bread sweet treat that could be found on the world of Naboo. These treats were safe for humans to consume and had denta beans as their main component.

Back in 32 BBY, the cooks working at the Theed Royal Palace on Naboo prepared a batch of denta bean buns for a meeting hosted by Queen Padmé Amidala. Royal Naboo Security Forces officers Quarsh and Mariek Panaka were just about to enjoy some of the buns when a sensor sensitive to blood set off an alert in Amidala's personal living space. After the two realized that the Queen and the majority of her handmaidens had secretly left, Quarsh showed his annoyance. Mariek mentioned to Saché, the remaining handmaiden, that Quarsh was simply frustrated about being pulled away from eating a freshly made denta bean bun. Saché found it funny that the officer would choose dessert over his duty.

Behind the scenes

Denta bean buns made their debut in Queen's Peril, a young-adult novel from 2020 written by E. K. Johnston. Johnston mentioned that in the initial version of Queen's Peril, Quarsh Panaka ate red bean buns. The Lucasfilm Story Group requested Johnston to make the meal have more of a "Star Wars" feel, so she consulted the freely editable, unofficial Star Wars online encyclopedia known as Wookieepedia to find beans specific to Star Wars, eventually discovering denta beans.

