In 32 BBY, Padmé Amidala, the newly elected Queen of Naboo, orchestrated the Chommell sector summit. This gathering brought together leaders from various planets within the Chommell sector. Amidala's goal was to reverse the isolationist policies implemented by her predecessor, Sanandrassa, and foster stronger connections between Naboo and its neighboring worlds, thereby bolstering her own planet's security and prosperity. While numerous planets dispatched representatives, Kelma, the Governor of Karlinus, was the only other head of state who chose to attend in person. However, unbeknownst to Amidala, the summit inadvertently prompted Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord who was publicly known as Senator Sheev Palpatine of Naboo, to expedite his secret scheme to have the Trade Federation invade Naboo. Sidious's intention was to weaken Naboo to such an extent that the ensuing suffering of its people would garner him the sympathy votes required to secure his election as Supreme Chancellor. Although Amidala's efforts to engage with the other planets were generally well-received, the Sith-engineered blockade commenced on the very day the summit concluded, with Kelma's starship departing just as the Trade Federation forces arrived.
Following Queen Réillata's decision to relinquish her position after a single term, Sanandrassa was elected as the Queen of Naboo in 34 BBY. During her time in power, Sanandrassa adopted a policy of isolationism concerning external relations, neglecting Naboo's neighbors within the Chommell sector and diminishing the planet's connections with them. This had several negative effects, including impacting Naboo's food supplies, potentially jeopardizing the human population with the threat of starvation if the planet was cut off from the rest of the galaxy. This situation was advantageous to Darth Sidious, also known as the Dark Lord of the Sith, who was publicly known as Naboo's Senator Sheev Palpatine. He intended to use the planet as a crucial step toward his ultimate goal of becoming the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.

After completing a single two-year term, Sanandrassa was defeated in the election of 32 BBY, and replaced by Padmé Amidala, a fourteen-year-old who became the youngest Queen in recent history and was widely expected to win. Amidala held strong disagreements with Sanandrassa's isolationist approach, but she deliberately kept her opinions private during the campaign, believing that directly criticizing the Queen would be inappropriate. Following her coronation, Amidala commenced efforts to engage with the other planets in the Chommell sector, with the intention of re-establishing diplomatic relationships and alliances. After encountering difficulties in establishing trade relationships, and being concerned about Naboo's food reserves, Amidala made the decision to invite the leaders of numerous planets within the sector to a summit in Theed. After informing the Naboo Royal Advisory Council of her intentions, the young Queen contacted Senator Palpatine on Coruscant to inform him as well. Upon discovering Amidala's plans, Sidious determined that he needed to hasten his own plans concerning Naboo.
Many of the worlds invited to the summit declined to send their leaders, with several instead opting to participate via hologram. The leaders of Jafan and Kreeling chose to send their children as ambassadors, a gesture intended as an insult but which had the opposite effect, as Amidala believed the children would be more receptive than their parents. Other planets sent ambassadors in lieu of their planetary leaders. One of the few heads of state to attend in person was Governor Kelma of Karlinus.
The summit began the morning after the delegates' arrival, featuring discussions on increasing trade among the sector's worlds, as well as addressing various concerns raised by the participating planets.
On the day of the delegates' scheduled departure, the Trade Federation, a vast corporation secretly controlled by Sidious, began moving into the Naboo system to initiate a blockade of the planet. The official reason given was their anger over various taxation proposals presented to the Galactic Senate, proposals that Senator Palpatine had publicly opposed.

Governor Kelma was the last delegate to depart, and after planetary sensors detected an anomaly within the system, Captain Quarsh Panaka of the Royal Naboo Security Forces expedited her starship's departure. The Naboo received one final transmission from Kelma's ship as it left the planet, a surprised exclamation, before the starship entered hyperspace. Shortly after, the news arrived that the planet was under blockade. Back at the palace, Amidala received a threatening message from Viceroy Nute Gunray, the head of the Federation, demanding she sign a treaty that would effectively cede Naboo to the Federation, which she refused to do.
The Trade Federation eventually invaded the planet several days later, triggering a political crisis within the Republic government, as Amidala managed to escape to Coruscant with the aid of the Jedi sent to negotiate with the blockaders. The crisis fulfilled all of Palpatine's objectives, leading to his election as Supreme Chancellor due to a Vote of No Confidence initiated by Amidala, allowing him to begin the Republic's downfall.
Amidala's efforts to reach out to the other worlds in the Naboo sector ultimately proved successful, with Karlinus in particular re-establishing ties. Kelma attempted to send food to assist Naboo during the blockade, but the ship was forced to divert to Enarc.
The summit was featured in the 2020 novel Queen's Peril by E. K. Johnston.